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He glanced at me, offering a slight shake of his head, but his smile was strained. "Just in the mood for some comfort food," he deflected, though the shadow in his eyes belied his words.

I let it slide for the moment, waiting as the sundae was set before him. His usual chatter faded as he took a spoonful of the rich, melted chocolate, savoring the taste. Yet, the furrow in his brow remained.

"You know you can talk to me. We've known each other since God knows when," I prodded gently.

He sighed, dropping his spoon onto the sundae dish with a clatter. The tension in his shoulders eased as he met my gaze. "It's... about my family," he began.

As he spoke, I found myself navigating the rough waters of his fears and struggles. Joe had always been open about his love for Mike, but what he had concealed was the conservative family behind him. His family, who had dreams of a traditional future for him, remained oblivious to his relationship with Mike.

Joe's father was an austere man, his values rooted deeply in the past. He held a vision of Joe settling down with a woman, carrying forward the family legacy. Joe's mother was a kind soul, nurturing and loving, but she shared her husband's conservative outlook. And then there was Emma, Joe's older sister, who echoed their father's stringent views, creating a daunting wall of expectations.

"It's like living in two separate worlds," Joe admitted, a hint of despair coloring his tone. "I love Mike, and I don't want to hide him. But the idea of my family rejecting Mike... It scares me."

"Joe," I began, my voice steady, "let me tell you a thing or two about honesty. Honesty is not just about telling the truth. It's about living it, embracing it. It's about not letting the noise of societal expectations drown out the voice of your true self. And sometimes, honesty means standing tall amidst the storm. It means revealing your true self, no matter how daunting the aftermath may seem."

Joe blinked, the surprise clear on his face. I could see the cogs turning in his mind.

"What would your Daddy side do in this situation?" I asked.

Joe was silent for a moment, his gaze lost in the whipped cream remnants on his sundae dish. When he finally looked up, his eyes were filled with a newfound determination. "He would be honest," Joe admitted, his voice filled with resolve. "He would tell my parents the truth."

As we wrapped up at the café, I paid the bill, sensing a sense of relief washing over Joe. But it wasn't all rosy; a new concern etched its way onto his face.

"Hank," he said, breaking the silence between us, "What if Mike thinks I'm ashamed of him? That it's why I haven't introduced him to my family yet? And what if I have to choose between Mike and my family?"

His voice cracked at the last part, revealing the depth of his fear. As if reading my mind, he added, "Isn't it obvious who I would choose? I love Mike."

Chapter 11: Lina

Uncle Nick, with his ever-welcoming grin, ushered us into the back office of his club, his eyes twinkling with anticipation. Beside me, Hank walked with a certain assuredness. He was here to accompany Uncle Joe, who also walked in, cradling Mike in his arms, a picture of affection. Mike was contently sucking on his binky, a soft smile on his face.

“Alright, Lina, what have you got for the ad?” Nick asked, leaning back in his chair with a twinkle in his eye.

“Um, okay,” I began, my gaze nervously flitting between Uncle Joe, Hank, and Mike. “How about we have a magical forest theme? With twinkling lights and cute animals welcoming everyone?”

Mike, sitting cradled in Uncle Joe's arms, clapped his hands in excitement. "Yes, yes, and there could be unicorns and a castle!"

Hank cleared his throat, and I turned to him. His gaze was gentle, but his words were firm. "Guys, this is a club, not a fairytale land. The ad for the club needs to reflect the maturity and seriousness of the place."

"It'll be fun and different. Everyone likes magical things!" I protested, my lower lip jutting out.

“Right, Uncle Joe?” I asked, turning towards him.

He gave a soft smile, his eyes crinkling at the edges. “Well, Hank has a point. It's a club, and while the Littles might appreciate unicorns and magical forests, the Daddies might not."

Mike chimed in then, his voice as soft as a whisper, "But Uncle Hank, won't it be nice to have something different for a change?"

“Maybe we can find a middle ground,” Nick suggested. “Perhaps we can merge your ideas with a more mature theme. What do you think, Hank?”

Hank looked thoughtful, his stern gaze softening. "Maybe. But it would need to be done right."

“You’re just a grumpy old bear, aren't you, Hank?” I stuck my tongue out at him and Mike erupted into peals of laughter.

Uncle Joe chuckled, patting Mike's back. "Oh Hank, it seems you've official taken my title."

I took a deep breath, brainstormed with Mike, and started presenting our ideas.

“The first idea is to have a starry night theme,” I started, laying out the plan. “The club can be decorated as a vast night sky with twinkling stars all around. The ad copy can play around the 'under the stars' idea.”
