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"Yeah… Is this your first time here?" I asked, keeping my voice gentle.

Her response was curt, almost biting. "Does it matter?" she retorted, her gaze fixated on her lap.

There was a pause. My initial surprise turned into frustration, her snarky comment pushing my tolerance. But something inside me wasn’t ready to give up. Behind her shield of sarcasm, I could still see the nervous Little, unsure of herself in this new setting.

Maybe she was just scared, I reasoned. Her responses, though stinging, didn't deter me. Instead, they made me more resolute. There was a spark in he, a certain spirit that appealed to me, despite my uncertainty of her feelings. Undeterred, I decided to tread lightly, hoping my questions would help her open up.

“So, what brings you to the club?” I asked.

“Uh, a bus?” She said nervously. “Sorry, that was a terrible joke. I get really awkward sometimes. I just wanted to meet other Littles and Daddies. I've been curious about this club for a while now, and I thought it was time to explore it for myself.”

As Joe and I sat back to watch over them from the bench, it was clear that Mike and Lina, two Littles with starkly different personalities, had somehow forged an unexpected friendship. Their shared enthusiasm for their play toys, the ease with which they communicated, the warmth that seemed to envelop them – it was infectious, and captivating.

As time wore on, their playful exchanges filled the air, a symphony of laughter, playful squeals, and the occasional mock dispute over a toy. Their bond was undeniable and instant, the polar opposite of my interaction with Lina.

As I found myself caught in the throes of unexpected emotions, a small voice inside me rebelled. It brought up the memory of her previous snide comments, her curt responses, as if to remind me of my initial misgivings about her. I tried to cling onto those feelings, attempted to convince myself that I harbored a dislike for her.

To distract myself, I turned my attention to Joe. We engaged in casual conversations, participated in club activities. Yet despite my efforts, my gaze kept drifting towards Lina. Her animated discussions with Mike, her beaming smiles, the uninhibited laughter that echoed from their corner - they were impossible to ignore.

The longer I stayed, the more the battle within me raged. Lina’s laughter echoed around the room, a melodious sound that elicited an involuntary reaction within me, a cocktail of elation, longing, and sheer frustration. I'd promised myself not to tread this path again, to steer clear from forming connections with Littles. Yet, here I was, grappling with feelings that were as compelling as they were unwelcome.

Restlessness gnawed at me, eating away my patience and peace. I needed a moment alone, a moment to gather my thoughts, to address the war within me. With a sharp breath, I decided it was time to step away.

"I've got to meet Nick in the back office," I found myself saying, my voice slightly uneven. I saw Joe’s eyebrows knit together in surprise. A meeting with the club owner was rarely scheduled this late, and we both knew it. I pushed forward, trying to find some solidity in my excuse. "And I might go home directly from there. I... forgot to water my plants. Yeah, that's it. They'll die if I don't get to them soon."

“Bye!” Mike said with a giggle. “I hope your plants survive!”

I could hear how weak my words sounded, how hollow. I could feel Joe’s gaze on me, probing, concerned. Mike and Lina exchanged bewildered glances, their play momentarily forgotten.

As I slipped away from the animated chatter and the shared warmth, I felt a heavy weight settle in my chest. In the back office, I found myself alone with my thoughts. The room was silent, the soft hum of the AC the only companion to my solitude. I was at a crossroads, standing on the edge of a decision that could alter my life in more ways than one.

Do I give in to this unexpected pull, this inexplicable yearning for Lina? Do I tear down the walls I’d painstakingly built around myself and explore these foreign feelings? Or do I stay true to my self-imposed rules, distance myself from Littles and avoid the possible heartbreak that might ensue? I found myself grappling with these questions, my heart at war with my mind, each decision seeming as daunting as the next.

Chapter 2: Lina

As a newcomer to the club, I found myself being swirled around in a whirlpool of uncharted emotions, swept up in the throbbing energy of the place. I clung to my newfound friendship with Mike, the first Little I had ever met.

Yet the residue of my nervous encounter with Hank - his name alone sent tingles running down my spine - continued to echo within me.

Memories of my past, intertwined with the images of a Daddy who hadn't always been kind, cast their lingering shadows over my present. The fear, the skepticism and the wariness were making me keep my guard up. I didn’t plan on sharing this part of my life with anyone, not even Mike. My dark past had to remain a well-guarded secret, buried beneath layers of forced smiles and feigned indifference.

Yet, in spite of these barriers, there was a pull, a strange attraction that I felt towards Hank. His handsome features, his strong build, those broad shoulders that looked capable of carrying the weight of the world... The image of his intense gaze, the way his smile had a disarming quality, the warmth that radiated from him - they were etched in my mind, refusing to fade.

The surprising kindness he showed earlier had disarmed me. My heart fluttered, despite the rational part of my mind screaming to proceed with caution. I shook my head, trying to dislodge the thoughts of Hank. Reminding myself of my past, the reasons why getting involved with a Daddy might be a recipe for disaster, I tried to refocus.

I barely noticed Mike's eyes on me, the concern etching tiny lines on his forehead. "Lina, are you okay?" he asked, his voice laced with worry, pulling me back to the present.

I offered him a small smile, a silent thank you for his comforting presence.

Suddenly, a new energy bounced towards us as a boy crawled over to us. The arrival of the cheerful Little seemed to breathe fresh life into the room.

"Hi there, I’m Elijah, Mike’s friend!" He greeted me, his cheerful disposition radiating warmth and friendliness.

"Hi, I’m Lina!" I replied, the faint blush that crept up my cheeks betrayed my nervousness. My attention was divided, one part of me was nervously anticipating the forthcoming interactions, and the other part was wondering if Hank had changed his mind and decided to join us instead of going home.

“Welcome to our little haven, by the way!" Mike chimed in, his words spoken with such sincerity that it instantly lightened the mood, nudging me out of my self-conscious state.

"Remember our first time here, Elijah? It was quite something, wasn’t it?” Mike prodded, a hint of nostalgia twinkling in his eyes.
