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Joe moved to coordinate the efforts. "Okay, guys," he instructed, his gruff voice echoing the underlying determination, "Your Daddies and I will ask around, see if anyone's spotted anything. Lina, you, Elijah and Mike start searching the nearby bushes. And remember, it's just a teddy bear. It couldn't have wandered off too far."

Nods of agreement followed Joe's words, and we all set to work. The park seemed to turn into an endless sea of hidden corners and possible hiding places. Every rustle in the leaves, every sudden movement in the bushes ignited a spark of hope that fizzled out just as quickly when the teddy bear remained elusive.

Elijah and I ransacked the underbrush, Mike trailed behind us, his eyes feverishly scanning the ground. "Remember, Mikey," Elijah comforted him, "Teddy bears are experts at hide-and-seek. But we're better."

Meanwhile, Joe and Hank moved to ask around. "Excuse me, ma'am," I heard Hank politely ask an elderly lady in the distance, "Have you seen a small teddy bear around here? It's quite old and worn out."

Suddenly, I spotted something brown peeking out from a pile of leaves. "Guys!" I called out, "I think I've found something!"

All activities halted as everyone rushed over. Elijah, his eyes wide with anticipation, carefully moved the leaves aside. But our collective joy turned into disappointment as we found out it was just a rotten apple.

A sense of defeat washed over us, Mike's face crumbled, and I could see tears welling up in his eyes. "I'm sorry," he stuttered, "I didn't mean to make everyone worried."

Joe, hearing Mike's quiet admission, moved towards him. His gruff exterior softened as he pulled his Little into a comforting embrace. "Hey now, none of that," he gently admonished, "We're not worried, darling. We're just determined."

Every passing minute added to our anxiety, the teddy bear seeming to remain stubbornly elusive. As the sun began its descent, casting a gloomy shadow over the park, we continued our search. Finally, we had to admit defeat. Mike looked inconsolable, the loss hitting him hard.

But even in this low moment, Joe held onto his resolve. He led the other Daddies as they searched the park one last time. When the last rays of the sun had disappeared and the park began to shroud in semi-darkness, the Daddies returned, empty-handed. Mike's once bright eyes were dimmed with grief.

Joe walked over to his Little, the sight of Mike's drooped shoulders a clear reflection of his state of mind. He rested a strong hand on Mike's shoulder, a silent promise of unwavering support. "Hey, Mike," he began, his voice as soft as a summer breeze, "We're not giving up, remember?"

Mike looked up at his Daddy, his face a picture of absolute despair. "This... can't be real," he mumbled, "It's just a dream. Any moment now, I'll wake up and Teddy will be right there, right next to me."

My own eyes were glossy with unshed tears. "Mike, this isn't a dream. But we're here with you, okay? You're not alone."

Mike turned his gaze towards me, his eyes reflecting an age-old pain. "I promised myself, that I'd treasure Teddy for the rest of my life. It was like having a piece of Mom and Dad with me always."

For a moment, nobody knew what to say. Mike's self-reproach began. He berated himself for being careless.

"Mikey," Joe started, a softness in his tone that was rarely heard, "We need to head home now. But we're coming back here one of these days, alright? And we’ll keep coming back until we’ve found it. We're not giving up on Teddy."

Mike's stubborn resistance reared its head. "I can't just leave, Daddy. I'll stay here. I'll search all night if I have to. Just go home. All of you."

"Now, listen here," Joe declared, his voice firm but kind, "Your problems are my problems. And I can't just leave you here. You're more important to me than anything else in this world, darling."

"But Teddy is gone, Daddy. My bear... my only connection to Mom and Dad... it's lost forever."

Seeing his Little so distressed, Joe gathered Mike in his arms, lifting him off the ground in a secure hold. The warmth of his embrace seemed to break down Mike's barriers, and the dam of his self-control finally broke. He buried his face in Joe’s shoulder, his body shaking as sobs wracked through him. We could only stand there, as Mike allowed himself to be vulnerable, to grieve, in the safe confines of his Daddy's arms.

Joe gently put a binky in Mike's mouth, which he accepted with a shudder, wrapping his small fingers around it as he began to suck on it vigorously in an attempt to find some semblance of comfort. Nestling Mike into his chest, Joe began to hum softly, the tune of a familiar lullaby filling the quiet of the evening.

"Sleep, my little one, sleep," Joe sang, his voice cracking with the weight of his emotions, "Your dreams will take you far, over mountains high and valleys deep, under the silver glow of a star…"

His other hand came up, brushing away the tears streaming down Mike's face. His thumb moved in slow, comforting circles. He began planting soft kisses on Mike's forehead, his cheeks, and his tear-streaked face. "We'll come back soon, in bright daylight, and we'll look again. We won't leave a single stone unturned, alright?"

I nodded. "I'll be there too, Mike. And Elijah as well. We'll all come back together."

My words were echoed by our Daddies, their voices firm and unyielding, promising their unwavering support. With Mike still cradled in Joe's arms, we gathered around them for a group hug.

"Alright, darling," Joe said, a soft smile tugging at the corners of his mouth, "Let's get you home now. You need rest."

Mike hesitated for a moment, his fingers tightening around his binky. With a sigh, he nodded, removing the binky from his mouth. "I'm sorry, guys," he began, his voice hoarse from crying, "For ruining everyone's picnic."

A chorus of protests arose from me and Elijah calling him silly, our words filled with love and understanding. But the pain was still there, lingering in Mike's eyes as Joe carried him away.

Once Elijah and his Daddies left, it was just Hank and me. As always, Hank was there, his mere presence a source of comfort. His arm wrapped around me, pulling me close.

"We'll find it, princess," he promised, his voice strong and unwavering.
