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With his plate full, when Mike rushed to take a seat next to Elijah, I turned my attention back to Daddy.

Watching Daddy approach, my gaze lingered on his strong, well-defined physique, the product of countless hours at the gym. His face, sun-kissed and handsome, lit up with a smile that reached his eyes as he noticed me staring. His arms,sturdy and reassuring, seemed like they could shield me from any storm.

He walked over, balancing a plate in one hand, his stride confident yet gentle. "How's my princess doing tonight?" he asked with a twinkle in his eye.

I responded with a playful smirk, "Well, she's currently being charmed by a very handsome knight in shining armor. You might know him. You know, I was just thinking about our first meeting at this club."

He laughed, a sound that warmed my heart. "You were so guarded, almost like a little warrior princess."

I nodded, recalling my rough exterior. "I was protecting myself. After Finn, I thought all Daddies were... well, not like you."

His eyes softened, reflecting a depth of emotion. "I remembereverything. You were like a mystery I needed to solve. But what brought on these reflective thoughts?" he inquired, his hand reaching out to gently tuck a stray lock of hair behind my ear.

With a playful smile, I replied, "Seeing you here, in the club, it’s like walking down memory lane. It reminds me of how we started... and how far we've come."

He nodded, understanding. "I always saw something unique in you. Even when you were pushing me away, there was this strength in you. It drew me in."

He paused, his gaze locking with mine. "And now, here we are."

I felt a rush of emotions. "Here we are," I echoed, my voice barely above a whisper. "Falling in love with you was the best unplanned journey I've ever been on."

Daddy smiled, his hand now resting gently on my shoulder. "And I wouldn’t have it any other way. You’ve turned my world upside down, in the best possible way."

I leaned into his touch, feeling a sense of peace and belonging. "You’ve shown me what it truly means to be cared for, to be loved unconditionally."

His expression softened further. "And you’ve shown me what it means to love and be loved in return. You're my little warrior princess, and I'm proud to be your Daddy."

Seated in Daddy’s lap, I took a deep breath, gathering my thoughts. "You know, I've been thinking about how patient and understanding you've been with me," I began, my voice tinged with emotion. "From our rocky start to now, you've been my rock. You've shown me what it truly means to be cared for, and for that, I can't thank you enough."

Daddy smiled, his eyes twinkling with affection. "Well, I must admit, caring for a girl as unique as you has been an adventure of its own. It's like being given the keys to a treasure chest filled with surprises. And today, I see someone's trying to butter up their Daddy. Is this a new strategy to get extra dessert?"

I chuckled, playing along. "Maybe. But then again, I might just be expressing my heartfelt feelings. And about that Heimlich maneuver you did last time to save me from choking in this room, let's agree to no scoldings post-rescue this time?"

His laughter filled the air. "Agreed. But only if you promise to chew your food properly. We can't have you turning into a choking hazard every snack time."

He proceeded to feed me bite-sized pieces of fruit salad. I nibbled on a piece of strawberry, enjoying the sweetness. Mike,sitting next to me, started to have a deep conversation with me about his latest toy adventures.

"And then," Mike said with a dramatic flair, "I decided to give my toy soldiers a bath. You should've seen the chaos! It was like a tiny, plastic, military spa day gone wrong!"

I couldn't help but laugh, looking up at Daddy with a mouthful of laughter and strawberries. He shook his head with a mock-serious expression, "Only you two could find humor in the most unexpected situations."

Our conversation drifted to lighter topics. "Did I tell you about the time we tried to bake cookies together and almost set off the fire alarm?" I asked Daddy, my eyes dancing with mirth.

He chuckled, "Yes, and let's not have a repeat performance. We'll stick to making salads for now. We don’t want to piss off your Uncle Joe again. He almost banned you two from the kitchen."

As Daddy fed me another piece of fruit, our eyes met. In his gaze, I found a world of care and protection, and I hoped he saw the same depth of love and gratitude in mine.

Sitting there with Daddy, holding the next piece of fruit, I was overwhelmed with emotions. The last encounter I had with Finn was when he had showed up at my apartment in a mask to attack me with a knife. The contrast between Daddy’s gentle care and Finn's mistreatment was stark, and it brought tears to my eyes.

Daddy's smile faded into concern as he noticed my tears. "Is it Finn again? Are memories of him bothering you?" he asked softly, his voice filled with concern. "Remember, I won't let him harm you again."

He reached out, tenderly wiping away my tears, his touch as reassuring as his words. "Every tear you shed is precious to me, princess," he whispered, his eyes reflecting the depth of our connection.

I shook my head, trying to convey the whirlwind of emotions inside me. "No, Daddy, these are happy tears. Having you in my life... it's shown me what a loving Daddy really means. I had you all wrong at first, but now, I can't imagine my life without you."

Mike, who had been watching us with a wide grin, chimed in, "I totally called it, didn't I? I knew you two were meant to be!" His eyes sparkled with pride. "I like to think I played cupid in bringing you two lovebirds together."

Hank chuckled, his mood lightening. "Well, we do owe you one, Mike, for your... matchmaking skills."
