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As we reconciled, Mike leaned in and whispered a suggestion that piqued my interest. "Let's channel our frustrations towards the real cause—Kristen. It's the perfect time for a little revenge for those rumors she spread at the club."

I nodded in agreement, intrigued by the idea of turning our annoyance into a clever retaliation. However, our whispered plotting didn't go unnoticed by Uncle Joe, who issued a stern warning. "I hope you two aren't planning anything naughty. Remember, vacation time isn't a free pass from being spanked."

Mike replied with feigned innocence. "Us? Planning something naughty? On the contrary, we're brainstorming ways to be on our best behavior."

Joe rolled his eyes at Mike's sarcastic assurance, his skepticism clear. "I'll believe it when I see it," he joked, the threat of discipline lingering as a reminder to tread carefully.

The late afternoon found us attempting to mend fences and foster teamwork through a cooperative board game. Kristen's decision to opt for a book over our cooperative board game session quickly became a point of contention. As she loftily proclaimed the merits of her choice, claiming that "reading books is a far better use of one's valuable time," the air filled with an unspoken tension. The Daddies offered words of praise for her studious behavior, yet the rest of us exchanged knowing glances, aware of the pretense behind her actions.

Unable to resist commenting on the situation, Elijah initiated the whispered critiques. "Watch out, everyone. We've got a real scholar here. Next, she'll be giving lectures on the superiority of solitude," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

I joined in, unable to help myself. "Yes, because clearly, the path to enlightenment is paved with ignoring everyone around you," I added, my words tinged with mock reverence.

Mike, never one to be left out of a jest, chimed in with his observation. "And here I thought vacation was for fun and games. Silly me, should have brought my encyclopedia," he remarked, rolling his eyes.

Kristen, feigning innocence, looked up from her book. "Why are you all ganging up on me? I'm just trying to better myself," she protested, her voice laden with unearned victimhood.

Sensing the growing discord, Daddy and Uncle Joe intervened, their patience wearing thin. They issued a stern warning that any further misbehavior would result in the cancellation of our much-anticipated movie night. Reluctantly,we offered half-hearted apologies, more out of a desire to salvage the evening than any genuine remorse.

That night, gathered in the home theater room, anticipation was high for the animated adventure movie we had chosen. However, Kristen, ever the contrarian, insisted we switch to a documentary about snakes, arguing it was more educational. Uncle Joe, perhaps eager to encourage her academic inclinations, praised her choice, leaving the rest of us less than thrilled.

"Great, from talking animals to silent snakes. How thrilling," I muttered under my breath, my disappointment barely concealed.

Mike, always ready with a quip, remarked, "At least if I fall asleep, I can blame the documentary for being the perfect lullaby."

Daddy and Uncle Joe, overhearing our commentary, shot us stern looks, a silent command for us to cease our complaints. Despite our initial reluctance, as the documentary unfolded, we found ourselves drawn into the world of snakes. The Daddies joined in the fun, pointing out different species and sharing tidbits of information that were surprisingly engaging.

"Did you know some snakes can 'see' using infrared?" Daddy shared, his enthusiasm contagious.

"And that the King Cobra is the longest venomous snake in the world?" Uncle Joe added, sparking a genuine interest among us.

That night, as the house settled into a peaceful slumber, Mike, Elijah, and I huddled together in the shadowy corridor, our whispers barely more than the rustle of leaves in a gentle breeze.

Mike outlined his plan with the confidence of a seasoned strategist, his eyes alight with the thrill of the impending caper. As he spoke, my eyes widened—not just at the boldness of the plan, but at the realization that we were actually going to do this. Despite my nerves, I found myself nodding in agreement. Kristen's actions had crossed a line, and in our makeshift tribunal, we had deemed it necessary to deliver a lesson in respect and boundaries.

Under the cloak of night, we embarked on our stealthy descent, our movements as careful as those of spies on a mission. We navigated the creaky floorboards with the precision of a practiced dance, our path illuminated by the soft glow of the moonlight streaming through the windows.

Gathering in a circle, our hands met in the center, a silent vow of solidarity. "The plan has officially started," Mike declared, his voice a whisper of determination.

I couldn't help but voice my doubts, the weight of what we were about to do pressing heavily on my conscience. "Are we really going to get away with this?" I asked, the uncertainty clear in my tone.

Mike's response was immediate and overly confident, a testament to his unwavering belief in our mission. "It's next to impossible to prove our involvement. This plan is thrice as strong as those of novices," he boasted, attempting to bolster our spirits with his exaggerated assurance.

His logic, however, did little to ease my worries. "But how?" I pressed, seeking some semblance of reassurance.

"Because there are three of us, and each of us is equally unlikely to confess," he explained, as if the mere number of conspirators was enough to guarantee our success.

Despite my lingering doubts, we proceeded with the first part of our plan: filling Kristen's shoes with sand. It was a symbolic gesture, a nod to the sandcastle she had so carelessly destroyed. With utmost care, Elijah and I worked together to silently transfer handfuls of sand into her shoes, which lay innocently beside her bed. Kristen slept on, blissfully unaware of the quiet storm swirling just inches away.

When I suggested that Mike should contribute more than just the plan, he whispered back with a hint of indignation, "Planning is the most important, tiring, and backbreaking work of all."

Despite Mike's protests, the task was completed with a silent efficiency that would have made any covert operative proud.

The silence of the night enveloped us as we embarked on the second, more daring phase of our plan. Replacing Kristen's beloved Mr. Cuddles with a replica stuffed with red-dyed cotton was meant to be a harmless prank—a way to give her a mild scare and perhaps teach her a lesson about the consequences of spreading rumors.

With surgical precision, we extracted Mr. Cuddles from Kristen’s sleeping grasp, replacing it with the doctored replica. The swap was seamless, a testament to our commitment to the cause and our desire for retribution.

Next, we turned our attention to Kristen's doll collection. Her porcelain dolls, each one more delicate and meticulously cared for than the last, were a source of immense pride for her. The decision to replace them with the goofy-looking stuffed toys from the living room was not made lightly. As we carefully swapped the dolls with the toys, placing the originals in a storage box in the basement, we couldn't help but imagine Kristen'sreaction upon discovering the switch. It was meant to be a shock, yes, but one that would leave no lasting damage—merely a temporary disturbance to her perfectly curated collection.
