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Keyword seemed.

Just because itseemedlike things weren’t as great as I expected them to be didn’t mean that I was going to give up and suddenly draw distance between us. As a matter of fact, I would do just the opposite of that.

So, that was why I came to work today again, ignoring the fact that I was supposed to be packing my bags for tomorrow’sdeparture for camp but a few bags would never stop me from seeing the girl I was crazy about.

I waited for her in the communal space, one leg crossed over the other as I checked my watch once again to confirm I had come right on time. She always had her morning coffee at around eleven in the morning because it acted as her fuel for the rest of the day.

She would also be coming down because there were chocolate chip cookies today and she enjoyed those as well for some reason.

They weren’t my favorite but I wasn’t against them at all. They could do better, I guess. A bit more bran, less sugar seemed just about right to me. Either way, my preferences were my girl and whatever she liked, so I was okay with and liked it too.

I picked my mug up and took a small sip of my Earl Grey tea, loving how strong and smooth it was. My nana had gotten me hooked on this tea since childhood and I really wasn’t a fan of coffee—it always made me more sluggish than I was before I drank it.

It was as if I felt her before I saw her, walking before me with her head drooping, which was different from the confidence she always exuded on a day-to-day basis.

Her hair was tied in a low bun and she was dressed in baggy jeans and a black button-up shirt that was slightly off her shoulder.She isn’t wearing a bra?It was wrong for that to be my initial thought. However, seeing her exposed shoulder like that suddenly made me feel veryprotectivebecause I didn’t want anyone ever seeing an inch of her skin.

Her face alone was more than enough for everyone else, and sometimes she would surprise everyone by wearing dresses that showed her ankles’ and on days like that, it was extremely hard for me to breathe.

I sounded like an ass’ but with Avery around, I doubted I could act as anythingnormal.

She had still not looked in my direction as she quickly moved around the space, pocketing a few of the chocolate chip cookies that seemed to brighten up her mood.

Her head now lifted, and a small smile appeared on her face as she took a large bite of her cookie while she waited for her coffee with one sugar, two full teaspoons of coffee, and three teaspoons of powdered milk.

She claimed it was balanced coffee and it tasted absolutely amazing—I disagreed.TWO FULL TEASPOONS OF COFFEE SOUNDED OUTRAGEOUS TO ME!Regardless, I knew exactly how she liked her coffee and I was proud to admit that it was similar to my character.

One sugar: I wasn’t too sweet and only when it was necessary.

Two teaspoons of coffee: I was serious and straight to the point with evident effect.

Three teaspoons of powdered milk: Appearance, I guess?

It was easy to see that Avery was just as crazy about me as I was about her.A couple matched by God himself.

She grabbed her mug and took a small sip of her coffee and I could bet all my moneyItasted better than that coffee that wasmaking her smile.Anyway, I would take what I could when I could.

She walked toward her favorite seats that I was already occupying as I waited patiently for her. I waved my hand, smiling hoping I looked as friendly as I felt.

She stopped in her tracks, her peaceful expression quickly being replaced by a distressed one.

Did I do something?

Her lips lifted slightly and she waved before she walked past her table, out of the communal area and I watched her head to the elevators as I tried to register her reaction.

She definitely frowned once she saw me, I was sure of it. She frowned and forced herself to smile. What had I done to her? Perhaps, I forgot something important and she was mad I didn’t remember?
