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I walked into the changing room and I was honestly not surprised that some of the boys were almost done showering, I also couldn’t wait to leave this place and go do absolutely nothing at home.

“Coach said you should show up every day?” Andy asked as he closed his locker and I sulked as I nodded. Sometimes—just for fun—I liked to make people believe I hated coming to work, but in reality, there was absolutely nothing else I saw myself doing in my life.

“What can I say, everyone seems to like my face.” I shrugged as I took off my protective gear.

Andy chuckled as he picked up his bag and pushed it up his shoulder clasping my shoulder. “Then maybe you should become a model.”

Says the pretty huge boy.

I know I said I was huge, but Andy could easily fit in the mountains and would be part of those mountain cabin romance movies everyone seemed to be obsessed with. Plus he had the looks for it.

His dirty blond hair emphasized his light blue eyes, and since I met him, I was scared to bring any woman around him. He wasthathandsome. The others were pretty good-looking, butAndy,Andy had the looks to steal your girl from you.

“Believe me, it’s always been a second career. That’s why my face is on our brand deals.” I smiled and he roared with laughter as he shook his head, walking out of the changing room.

Ice hockey was it for me, ever since childhood. My nana bought me my first stick, and I liked to believe that was the seal to what I would be doing for theRESTof my life and I was absolutely at my happiest.

But then my nana started asking for more, for things I couldn’t give her frommoney. She wanted great-grandkids before she passed on and heaven knows I kept telling her she wouldn’t be passing on anytime soon.

She would be here until I got old, so there was still time for her to eventually get great-grandkids.

And when I said that in an interview, I suddenly became a father to so many children throughout the whole of America. I never thought it would be possible to have so many children, but ofcourse, theyweren’tmine. Every single one of them gave my nana false hope and it saddened me deeply.

However, pumpkin pie found it amusing. Every single time a child popped out of nowhere,wanting an autographand tugging my shirt, he would break out into a fit of laughter and say that the child was mine. At one point it was funny, but it eventually became annoying and boring for me.

Brian was one of those people you didn’t want laughing at you because he never stopped.

I knew I was quite promiscuous during myveryyouthful days, but it was getting ridiculous. There was absolutely no way in the whole entire world I could have that many baby mamas in my life and thank God I didn’t!

Imagine Nate Gallagher being a father!My goodness, that would be disastrous.

I walked out of the changing rooms after taking a much-needed shower, and I just knew that Brian was still on the rink since he hadn’t changed yet. Always putting in the extra work and making me feel bad for not wanting to put in the extra work with him.

I admired him, to be honest, and I still thank God to this day for making him my roommate when we were in college.

He really is the saving grace I needed then.

“Will you be coming over today?” he asked the mysterious lady and I slowed my steps as I walked toward them. They seemed really close.How did Brian know her?Call me arrogant or whatever, but I basically knew everyone Brian did.

She was such an attractive woman and I felt incredibly disappointed in myself to think about her like that especially if she was my best friend’s lady. I was disgusting. But her short curvy frame and her golden locks flowing down her back made her look both innocent and sophisticated.

She was definitely my type of lady and Brian knew that, but I didn’t blame him for being smitten with her.Fuck, if I was the one talking to her, I would be smiling like he was right now.

“Yeah, Niel misses you.” She smiled as she leaned against the railing. She flipped her hair over her shoulder and she must as well have taken my breath with that flip.

She’s beautiful.

“You should sleep over tonight, Mom and Dad miss having you around,” he said as he gently pushed on her forehead, andmy gosh! I didn’t know pumpkin pie was so playful as well.

She giggled as she smacked his hand away and I was smitten, but I was way out of my league here.

She even knew his parents.It sucks to lose before you even had a chance to play.

“You’re still practicing?” I asked and he nodded as he raised his stick.

The woman looked away, and I could understand her actions. I basically disturbed their flirting and I was a dick for that.

“Yup, I’ll be leaving with Avery tonight,” he said.
