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“Chocolate, ice-cream, spicy foods, red meat and so much more. The only food suitable for when you’re in pain.” Her eyes widened as she looked at me.Is trying to convince me right now?“Believe me,Iknow whatmybody needs during this stressful time.”

“No, you need food rich in iron so that you don’t get dizzy or nauseous and all the other things you experience during that time.”

She squinted her eyes and looked at me from the corner of her eyes, scoffing.

“Look at a man tellingmewhatIneed to eat formybody,” she emphasized each singular pronoun and I bit the inside of my cheek, trying not to laugh at how sassy she was being.

“I’m not just a man, I’m your boyfriend. And lucky for you, I know how to cook food rich in iron,” I said and a huge smile grewon her face as she wrapped her hands around my waist again, pressing her chin against my chest.

I loved it when she would do that! It drove me crazy!

“Hmm? My boyfriend? I like the sound of that,” she giggled and I leaned down to press my lips against her forehead.

“Yes, boyfriend,” I nodded, loving how she called me her boyfriend.Ack! I’m so far gone for her.


“Mhm, boy—“ I stopped in my tracks as I looked at her shocked. Why was her voice so deep? Our eyes met, both wide with shock and we jumped as we separated ourselves. I turned around and Brian was standing in front of the wide-open door before he slammed it closed.

Ah shit. Shit, shit, shit! Isn’t this too soon God?

Fuck, I was not ready for this. I looked at Brian’s wide eyes and I could see the anger flare up in them as he looked at the both of us.

“B-Brian, it’s not what it seems like,” Avery stuttered as she raised her hands and he didn’t say anything as his eyes met mine. He clenched his jaw and I cleared my throat as I opened my mouth.

“We were going to te?—“

He interrupted me and pointed to the door.

“Go to practice, Nate. You’re late,” he said calmly and my heart stilled as I recognized that cold look in his eyes. Brian was raging, and I was totally fucked.So fucking fucked.“Now.”

I looked at Avery once more, and I could tell she recognized his cold tone as well and was no stranger to his anger. She pressed her hands against her chest and nodded, telling me that it was fine.

“Nate, I won’t repeat myself. Practice, now,” he said much slower this time and I thought my heart had stilled last time. In fact, it froze in place because of how cold he was right now.

On shaky limbs, I walked past him, praying to God that he wouldn’t grab me when I least expected it, throw me on the ground and break my legs.

I don’t blame him though, he did catch me and his sister in her office.

When I passed by him, he didn’t even look at me and I was honestly scared. When I arrived at the practice area, I slipped on my gear and skates, and entered the ice, joining as the others skated laps.

I tried to appear as normal as I could, but I was shaken up, I didn’t know what to expect from Brian or what he would say in front of our teammates. Would he cuss me out? Tell the coach to bench me in the next game? Or would he slam me against the railings over and over again to get rid of his anger?

Shit, what do I do?I had seen Brian angry a thousand times before, but I was never the source of his anger before and I was really shaking in my pants right now, trying to appear okay.

When he skated onto the ice, my heart came alive and started beating against my chest violently as I watched him bark out the instructions for today’s practice.

I feel sick, I feel so fucking sick. I’m gonna vomit.

Practice began and everyone started doing their individual tasks as they were instructed and I moved the puck in a zigzag motion around the cones, trying my best to keep my head down not wanting to anger Brian even more.

“Nate, your form is off,” he said and I looked up at him. He stood at the center of the rink with his arms crossed over his chest, glaring at me. “Do it properly.”

“Yes, captain.” I nodded and the other players looked between us shocked, and I tried to ignore their gazes.Fuck.

“You need to be quicker than that Nate,” he said. I hadn’t even started. But I nodded as I moved quicker than before. I understood where his anger was coming from, but it felt like I was the only one he was picking on.

It’s okay though, I deserve it.Maybe this would get it out of his system and we could finally have a conversation about Avery and me.
