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“Sweetie, your mother told you to stop stressing so much,” my dad said as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer to him. Nate and I sat between my parents. Luckily today, I didn’t really have to work.

“I know,” I sighed as I felt some sort of relief in my father’s arms. “I know.”

“You should trust your brother and your man, Avery said.” My heart leaped a bit when she said“Your man.”Ever since Brian confirmed her suspicions she had since Brian’s birthday party, she would tease me about being with Nate every second of the day.

“Yeah, trust that they want the league championship badly enough to put aside their differences,” my dad said as he rubbed my arm.

Oh, I hope to God they do.

“Uncle Brian and Daddy are going to win!” Niel shouted and my heart couldn’t handle all the different emotions. God, it was too much for me.

Niel had started calling Nate his father ordaddyrecently, and he rather accepted it as soon as we told him. There was no hint of confusion in his eyes and he was excited. I doubt he really understood what it meant, but I was glad we had a small family together.

I just hoped that Brian and I would be able to fix things soon enough for the sake of our family. I hated not being able to talk to my brother. I sent him a text in the morning, wishing him luck with the game today and a few words of encouragement, but he didn’t respond.

He probably hadn’t even had time to get on his phone today with all the preparations before the game began, so I understood why I hadn’t received a response yet.

However, the person I did get a response from as soon as I texted him was Nate. He called me and we talked for a few minutes before he asked me to blow kisses through the phone for him. Itwas highly uncomfortable, but I did it anyway because I wanted to make him happy.

I wanted all of us to be happy together, and hopefully, during the game, they would see just how much they needed each other and sort it out.

They were best friends and better than that, they were great teammates and they always moved in harmony when it came to such big games.

It would all be alright, I just knew it.

“Oh shit,” my mom muttered as we watched the opposing team score another goal, earning them their fifth point, leaving a three-point gap between the teams.

The Lumberjacks fans’ spirits had dwindled a bit and the opposing team was roaring with excitement. The hope wasn’t gone just yet, but I could feel just how anxious we all were in this moment.

Nate and Brian were not moving in harmony. As a matter of fact, it seemed like they both played for different teams; neither of them assisting or passing to each other. Just what in the world was going on in their heads!

The team looked dejected and annoyed by the best friend’s actions; some looked even confused. If they continued playing against each other instead of playing with each other, it would cost them the championship.

And I knew it would break them both and they would come to regret it when they came out of their prideful delusions.

Could they really not put aside their personal feelings and actually played together?I wasn’t asking them to love eachother again, but I just wanted them to play like they usually did because I knew how much this sport meant to the both of them.

“This isn’t good,” my father muttered as he rubbed his palms against his jeans.

“Come on number 18! What’s wrong with you today?” a fan shouted as Nate lost hold of the puck again, and the frustration was clear on his face.

Not him alone, but the other teammates looked frustrated as they rushed toward the player with the puck that was about to make the score, and by God’s grace, they were able to hit it away from the player before he made his shot.

“Wake the fuck up, Lumberjacks!” another fan yelled and I hated the words they were using. I understood that as spectators they expected a good play, but the players were people too and sometimes things would not move as smoothly as we hoped they would.

I got up from my seat as the referee blew the whistle, signaling that it was half-time.

“Where are you going?” my mom asked as she reached over Niel to clasp my hand and I gently shook her off.

“I’ll be back,” I answered and quickly ascended the steps and made my way to the boys’ locker room. What was I even going to do? What would I even say? Who would I even talk to?Is me meddling even worth it?

As I neared their room, sounds of conflict were loud and my heart dropped in my stomach as I reached my fingers out to touch the door.

I hope it’s just the coach shouting at them, please.

As soon as I pushed open the door, Nate and Brian both had their hands on each other and it was clear that each of them had landed a punch in. I opened my mouth and Andy put his hand in front of me shaking his head.

The coach was sitting on the bench, smoking as he watched the friends go toe-to-toe with each other.
