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“So,” my friend Coco says, twirling a pink curl around her forefinger, “is it a boy or a girl?”

To be fair, she winks while saying that so probably we’re not talking about babies.

Ithink. I mean, are we? Oh crap, what did I miss?

My gaze instantly goes to Bee. She’d be the perfect target for such a question, since she’s moved in with her pack and already gone through one heat. Is she preggers? But she’s talking to June about dresses, from the sounds of it, so…no.

I glance around my friends’ faces and… nope. None of them seem glowy-pregnant. Or pukey-pregnant.

And belatedly I realize that the question is directed at me. I mean, given that all eyes are on me, expectant, pun intended. June’s cornflower blue eyes, Coco’s pretty chocolatey ones, and Bee’s wide gaze, too.

June elbows me. “Spill, Gigi.”

“I’m sorry?” I manage. “What?”

“Your new crush, sweet cheeks. The one who’s got you so distracted you’ve already added three stevia packages to your coffee. Is it a boy or a girl?”

Oh shit.And I hate stevia. It gives me stomach burn.

I push my mug away and look around for any possible rescue. Sadly, Sawyer, the cute omega who happens to be the owner of Book Café and a nice guy all around, is busy at the back, preparing drinks for the customers sitting at other tables.

I have to face facts. No one is coming to my rescue.

Tucking an errand strand of red hair behind my ear, I cast about for something to say that won’t betray my real thoughts. “You mean… at the gym?”

“Sure, honey,” Coco says, leaning back in her chair as if getting ready for a long story. Or a show. I bet she’d be munching on popcorn if she had any handy. “Let’s start from there.”

I roll my eyes. “And I’m not crushing on him. He’s my trainer, all right? He’s just… attractive. Physically. And you knew that because I’ve told you before.”

“Officially, that’s your story.”

“Now what’s that supposed to mean?” I mutter.

They all exchange glances as if they know something I don’t.

Do they?

No, wait. They’re hinting at something they weren’t supposed to know, and I’m not admitting to anything.

“I like the way he looks,” I say. “That’s it. I think he’s sexy, okay? Nothing wrong with that.”

“Nobody said?—”

“I’m a beta with a healthy sexual appetite,” I go on, “and if you must know, I haven’t gotten laid in quite a while, so excuse me if I fantasize sometimes about a strong, big alpha to just ram his d?—”

Coco coughs. “Girl, people are listening in.”

“They are?”Oh boy. Shoot.I glance around and sure enough, several customers have leaned forward, looking at us. Listening to us.


I should start charging tickets for this show. It would pay my rent.

“All I was trying to say,” Coco says, “is that it’s okay to want more than one hunk, be it a girl or a boy. All of us here empathize and understand you. Right, Bee?”
