Page 110 of Gigi and the Gym Rats

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He goes for my lips again but I stroke his cheeks and turn my head away. “You have no idea how much I want you,” I tell him, “and that’s the truth. But we have to go. Guys! A little help here.”

“What is going on?” Grey has pinned the alpha to the floor and is kneeling over him, pinning the man’s head between his thighs.

“That goddamn scent is driving me out of my mind,” Zayne breathes. “You know what it means. He’s perfuming.”

“Holy fuck, Casey is going into heat,” Ronin growls. “He smells like candy and sex.” He swallows thickly. “Got to get him out of here, now, or we’ll have the Black Dogs going into a rut, and good luck to us controlling them then.”

“No shit.” Grey glances at our two alphas who seem to be vibrating with tension. “And not only them. Every alpha will be affected, if they aren’t already. It’s you and me now, Gigi. We have to keep a level head and get us out of here.”

“Not sure about a level head,” I pant as Casey rubs himself all over me like a cat, a low growl in his throat. Or is it a purr? “But point taken. Casey, come on. You have to be patient until we get home.” I stroke his dark, sweaty hair out of his pretty face. “We have to go.”

He blinks slowly, sits back. Shivers. He looks tousled and flushed and sexy and cute all at once. It’s hard to say no to him, even if it’s temporary. His need is plain to see and the effort it takes him to push it down and allow his rational mind to work makes me wince in sympathy. I suppose it must be like being—literally—on the brink of an orgasm and having to pull back.

“Ron, keep an eye on this guy, okay?” Grey practically hauls Ronin to where the Black Dog alpha is groaning on the floor and plonks him there.” And be ready to go.”

“Sure.” Ronin nods, his eyes a little glazed.

It’s fascinating. I’ve never been around an omega in heat and alphas about to go into a rut. For the first time, I get to see first-hand exactly what Ronin has always been afraid of.

Only this time the omega is Casey. And he’s pack. So all should be good. Instinct is fine when it’s leading you to your soulmate. All will be fine.

As soon as we get ourselves out of here.

Now Grey takes control of the situation. He tugs Casey off me and off the bed, grabs my hand and hauls me to my feet, too, and herds us through the bedroom door. To their credit, our two alphas appear to wrestle back command of their bodies, and Zayne leads the way, making sure it’s clear, Ronin bringing up the rear.

We find Bee’s pack in the living room, with three of the Black Dog alphas on the floor, groaning. Bee is in Kaden’s arms, looking a little pale.

“Bee!” I reach for her and they come to us. “Let’s go. Let’s get out of here. Casey is going into heat. This could turn ugly.”

Her alphas join us and we all move through the apartment to the door. We hurry down the stairs, and the moment we leave the building, we find the police parked out front. Sawyer is with them, arms folded over his chest.

He hurries over to us the moment we emerge from the building. “Casey. Are you okay? Casey! Why does he look so out of it?”

“He’s fine,” I say. “Don’t worry.”

“How can I not?” Sawyer demands.

Then Zayne grabs his arm and whispers something in his ear, and Sawyer’s eyes go wide.

“He is? For real?”

“Were you the ones who called?” the alpha cop asks and Grey disentangles himself from me and Casey to go talk to them.

“It was me,” Sawyer says, still wide-eyed. “I’ll answer your questions.”

We say our goodbyes to Bee and her pack as the policemen—both of them alphas—ask for a statement from Casey and the rest of us.

“Who brought him here?” they ask. “What role did his family play in this arrangement? Did he sign any papers?”

“I don’t remember signing anything,” Casey says, his breathing labored. His gray eyes glitter, restlessly moving from me to Grey, from Grey to Ronin, from Ronin to Zayne. “The Black Dogs picked me up from the farm.”

“I’ll give you the address,” Grey says. “But we think nobody was there when we drove by earlier.”

“And what about the Black Dogs?” the cops ask. “Did they force you into anything? Did they say what they planned to do?”

Casey groans softly, slumping against me. He’s grimacing.

“We have to cut this short,” Grey says. “As for what the Black Dogs wanted, can’t you fucking guess?”
