Page 122 of Gigi and the Gym Rats

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Casey is still thrusting into Gigi who looks half-asleep. It’s almost hilarious. Grey also looks like he’s about to drift off.

I wish I could, too.

“I need to knot him,” I grind out. “Stop fucking with me, Z. Come on.”

“Easy,” he says. “Almost there.”

This fucking primitive reproductive system, I swear... A vestigial system. One doesn’t need alphas and omegas, heats and ruts to reproduce, not anymore. Betas are more evolved humans, who can get pregnant at any time from any male. Male omega pregnancies are also very rare nowadays.

Yet there is a fetishistic fascination about them.

And yeah, I’m trying to distract myself while waiting for my turn to knot our omega, can you tell?

Finally, fucking finally, Zayne starts to pull out. It’s a slow process and I assume his knot hasn’t fully gone down yet, but fuck, it’s about time.

By the time he’s free, falling back on his ass and cursing, an age has passed. My hair has turned white, I swear. And yeah, his knot is still not gone and I’m weirdly turned on by seeing it.

Like,what the fuck, Ron.

Casey in his turn pulls out of Gigi, stroking her face and sitting back. She rolls on her side and produces a sleepy noise that makes me smile, because fuck, she’s cute, naked and striped with our cum, her red hair covering her face.

Then Casey is kneeling on the mattress, but something is off. His shoulders are tense and he won’t look at me.

“Case. Are you okay?” Ignoring my stiff cock and painful knot, I scoot closer and turn his head to face me. “Casey.”

When he finally looks at me, I find fear in his eyes.

“What happened? Are you in pain?” I demand, gripping his chin. “Tell me. We’re not doing this if there’s something wrong.”

“Fuck, did I hurt you?” Zayne asks, stroking our omega’s back. “The truth, Casey.”

“No, I’m good, I just… I need someone,” Casey whispers. “Gigi…”

But Gigi is out. I think I hear a light snore from where she’s curled up on the mattress, and dammit, it’s fucking cute. She’s all pale limbs and red curls, a snoring pile of a girl.

“Grey…” Casey turns his anxious gaze to our other beta. “Help?”

“What do you need?” Grey asks. “Comfort?”

“Yes,” Casey nods quickly.

“What am I missing?” I mutter. “Why comfort?”

“The situation of the past two days,” Grey explains, scooting over to join us across the bed. “The alphas in that apartment. He’s just trying to cope with his heat while dealing with that trauma.”

“Thanks Grey, now I feel like an invalid,” Casey mutters, a flush spreading over his face.

“There’s no shame in asking for help,” I say, stroking his smooth cheek. “If anything, I’m sorry I didn’t realize. It’s hard to think when all the blood has flowed to your junk.”

His mouth twitches into a faint smile. He winces a little as he shifts on his knees. I need to chase that look from his eyes before I take him, because he needs me to take him and I need it, too.

“I need Grey,” he says again.

I glance at our handsome beta. The man whose heart I broke, though I hope I’ll be given more chances to mend it. “Will you help?”

Grey grins. “Sure, I’ll take another for the team. How do you want me?”
