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“I’ve found you a new potential roommate,” Sawyer says when I swing by the Book Café to grab my usual as I return from my early morning jog. I’m still panting and take a moment to get my breath back, stretching my arms over my head.

Not that this is out of my way or anything. I live on top of the café, like I said, in an apartment I share with Ronin and Sophie—and Bee, but Bee has already collected all her stuff and officially moved out about a month ago.

She had been living with her pack by then already, but you know how it is. She was so busy with them at first—all that sex,rawr—that she apparently couldn’t get an hour off to empty her room.

Wait, Gigi, is that resentment I hear? First jealousy, now resentment.

Something’s wrong with me.

“I said, I found you a new potential roommate.” Sawyer puts my coffee on the bar, just the way I like it—low-fat milk, no sugar, a dusting of cinnamon on top—and leans back against the counter, beside the coffee machine. He folds his arms over his chest. “Did you hear me?”

He’s a sweet omega guy, really cute with his dark curls and large hazel eyes, though he really should join a gym and build his upper body strength.

Why the hell am I checking Sawyer out?

“Vetted by you?” I ask, drawing the coffee toward me, realizing something more is expected of me. “This potential roommate?”


“Know her well?”

“We went to summer camp together. He’s a nice guy.”

“A man.” A thought occurs to me. “Sawyer, don’t tell me it’s another alpha. I already have two alpha roommates. I swear, every time Sophie and Ronin cross paths inside the apartment, they growl at each other.”

He arches a brow. “They do? That’s something I’d like to see. Or hear.”

“I don’t care about your alpha-related fetishes, Sawyer.”

He chuckles. “You’re the one who brought the growling up.”

I sigh and grin. “One day you’ll find your alphas and you’ll be happy like a pig in the mud.”

“Surely you mean as a bug in a rug.”

“Whatever rocks your boat. Wait, wasn’t there a girl you were pining over?”

“Pining? Nope.” His cheeks color. He turns and busies himself checking the coffee machine that definitely needs no checking. “Never.”

“Why, is she out of the picture? Or didn’t you get the nerve to ask her out yet?”


“Is she an alpha?”


“Okay, okay.” I lift my hands. “I’m not pushing.”

“She said after she pushed him off the cliff,” he intones and shoots me a small grin. He grabs a hand towel and wipes the spotless counter. “So… would you like to meet my guy?”

“Your guy, is it?”

“Stop it. He’s just an old friend. And he’s an omega.”
