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“Onlyfour.” Coco sighs.

“You girls shock me,” I mutter.

June bats her lashes at me. “I’m not your average innocent blue-eyed omega.”

She does look the part, though, blue eyes, blond hair, and a cherub’s face. I bet many an alpha has fallen for the angelic looks.

“But let’s put Bee and her beefy boyfriends out of our minds,” Coco says, “that lucky omega, and let’s focus on our own fun! If Gigi wants the Alpha Bet, the Alpha Bet it is, right, June?”

June shrugs. Pops her gum again. “Fine by me. What’s in the Alpha Bet that’s so hot, huh, Gigi? Any particular male reason?”

I feel a hot blush working its way up my neck. “Perhaps.”

“Woo, mysterious,” Coco mutters. “I like it. All right, let’sAlpha Betour girl Gigi and make sure she gets a toyboy for tonight.”

June giggles. “It’s a plan!”

* * *

The plan doesn’t pan out, though. Not exactly, anyway.

I mean, we get inside the bar, no problem. The bouncer even nods at us with a smile. This one is an alpha supreme, like Optimus Prime. Huge, with huge shoulders, a huge jaw. Probably other huge parts, too, if he’s made to proportion.

You get the picture.

And he’s eyeing June like she’s a snack.

She doesn’t pay him much attention, though. Maybe enormous alphas aren’t her thing. Who knows? I kind of like alphas…

Ugh, change of topic.

Inside there’s the usual deafening music and bodies gyrating on the dance floor. I scan the bar for the man I’m after but don’t see him anywhere. Refusing to be disappointed so early in the evening, I let the girls drag me to the back where we get cocktails and I sip mine… while I scan the dance floor again.


Not seeing him.

“I shouldn’t keep coming here,” Coco says, sipping delicately at her cocktail. It has actual flowers floating in the glass, or am I seeing things? Even her cocktail is floral. This girlreallyfeels like an omega. What if we’re all wrong and she is one?

“Why not?” I ask, momentarily distracted from my search. “Don’t you like this bar?”

“Bar is fine. There’s a guy here I like.”

“So… what’s the problem?”

“He’s already in a pack. A registered pack.”

“…Oh.” I make a face. “Sorry.”

Registered packs are usually complete packs, people who decided they have all the members they need, much like Bee’s pack right now.

“Yeah.” She shrugs. “See? Though he makes amazing cocktails…”

A bartender? I glance behind the bar. There are three bartenders rushing about, preparing drinks. I want to ask which one it is, but June arrives and tries to drag us to the dance floor.

“Come on, girls!” June is dancing on the spot. “We’re here to have fun! I love this song.”

I finish my cocktail, put the glass down. “I’m going to the bathroom.”
