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“I mean, ow, you’ve already given up on them? Have you even kissed them?”

“I have.”

Her brows go up. “You never said! And what? No chemistry?”

“It’s not that,” I hedge. “I told you the problem.”

“You assume there is a problem. Without asking them first.”


“You’re the one who told me that,” Bee says.

“Wait. Told you what?”

“Not to conform. Back when I thought I was a beta, remember? That if I wanted a pack, I should go for it, and screw the world.”

“Did I say that?Screw the world?” I frown.

“Maybe? I don’t remember the exact phrasing. It doesn’t matter.”

“It does matter.” I grimace. “I mean, look, we’ve been over this. You’re not a beta after all. So it’s fine.”

“But the whole point was that your designation doesn’t matter.”

“Nonsense,” I say. “It does matter. Betas, real betas, aren’t like that.”

“But that negates the whole idea of freedom! Freedom of choice. Kade is perfectly happy in our pack.”

“Kade is a god.”

She nods solemnly. “I know. And you’re a goddess. You can have a pack if that’s what you want.”

Have those four men hold me and love me and live with me. Claim me.

I rub my hands over my eyes. A hot beat is drumming inside my head. “You don’t understand,” I whisper.

“Then explain.”

“I can’t misstep.”


“I have a plan. A goal. I can’t deviate. So what if I lust after more than one guy? I need restraint. It’s all a mind trick. Seeing you and so many people around me finding packs has confused me. It’s like… like seeing everyone around you eating mac and cheese all the time?—”

“Hey, don’t knock mac and cheese. Not all of us can live on organic granola and beet juice.”

“—which makes you think it’s fine to follow their example, when what you should be eating is…”

“Organic granola?” Bee whispers, eyes wide.


“Holy crap, you really believe that, don’t you?”

“That my diet is better than yours? Definitely. And I haven’t seen you at the gym in a while, girl. Don’t break out of those good habits.”

“That’s not what I mean.”
