Page 23 of Rett

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“That’s not all,” frowned Hex. “According to Ramos’s man who told us they thought you were dead before he dropped the bombs, he dropped your names to Ramos. When his team was searching for you, Barber took the opportunity to move in.”

“He knows our names. All three of us,” said Rett.

“Unfortunately, yes,” said Kiel. “Ryder spoke to General Bankston, and he claims it was all a misunderstanding, but we think it’s something very different. We think Ryder and Barber are in this together. They both were able to get some credit on their records for destroying Ramos’s compound and for getting some information about Simones in Panama.” His brothers stared at him, then at one another, shaking their heads.

“He intentionally had me miss my transport. When I had to go through Panama, he said, ‘while you’re there,’ and gave me another op. I was supposed to find all the information I could about Javier Simones.”

“Well, you did good,” smirked Luke. “Both men received commendations and have been promoted.”

“I can’t fucking believe this. My life and the life of the woman I love is in danger because those two dickheads wanted promotions?”

“It’s about right so far. Now, keep in mind, we’re trusting that Ramos’s man is telling the truth. We got that information from a friend of Miguel’s,” said Cam.

“I want to go after them,” said Rett. “I want to take both of them down. How many men have died so that they could climb their way to the top?”

“We’re looking into that now,” said Pigsty. “But you should also know that your administrative leave has been extended. Indefinitely. If I had to guess, they’re trying to force you into retirement. All three of you.”

“Fuck that!” said East. His brothers stared at him. “No. I’m not ready to leave yet.”

“I am,” said Rett. “I’ll retire.”

“Rett, not yet, brother,” said Eazee. Rett just shook his head.

“I’ve had enough, Eazee. I’m done with all this bullshit. It’s bad enough that we’re taking bullets from drug lords and bad guys. Now, I have to worry about my own commanding officers stabbing my back.”

“Listen, don’t do anything yet, Rett. We want to make sure there are no black marks on your records. Something is strange here, and we need to figure out why Ryder and Barber are working together on this. I mean, everyone wanted Ramos gone, but killing the women? What did that do?”

“Jesus, do you think they’re going to make it look like we didn’t give them that intel? Are they really willing to throw three Green Berets under the bus so they can get a few extra medals on their chests?” said Rett. All eyes turned to him, frowning. “I still have all of the original photos I took. I never delete them. I know that’s wrong, but I save them and download them to a separate computer and drive. I have them all. Do you guys?”

“I do,” said Eazee. “I feel the same way you do. I keep all that shit for just such occasions when someone is trying to screw me over.”

“Me, too,” said East.

“Then we’re going to bury them. We’re going to fucking bury them. But first, we’re going to find our three friends in the city and get some information.”


Casey was absolutely enamored with the Belle Fleur kitchens, located at the back of the cafeteria. They were large and roomy with professional-grade appliances, pots and pans, everything a chef could dream of. Dylan was an excellent chef, with Sara’s guidance, leading the whole team.

“We try to keep menus simple here,” said Sara. “There are a lot of people, and if we try to make something for everyone, it gets to be too much. We’ll make one or two entrees with several sides and then a dessert or two. If it’s a large family gathering, like a wedding, we would do multiple entrees.”

“That makes perfect sense,” she nodded. “What’s on the menu tonight?”

“Roasted chicken, Hasselback potatoes, asparagus, grilled tomatoes, and for dessert, a German chocolate cake.”

“That sounds so good,” she smiled.

“Well, you can help us with the roasted chicken. We have four hundred whole chickens.”

“Four hundred!”

“We figure one for every man here. The women will usually eat a half of one, the kids sometimes half as well. Whatever is left, we’ll make chicken salad sandwiches for tomorrow. We have massive roasters in the kitchen at the back. Some people will choose to do something intimate in their own cottages, but not very often. Also, the other island has its own cafeteria as well, solely run by Mama Irene with George and Mary’s help.”

“Wait, what did you mean, the kitchen at the back?” she frowned.

“Yes,” smiled Sara. “We have a kitchen behind this one at the back of the cafeteria that is lined with more ovens, roasters, everything. If it’s barbeque, George or Matthew will usually do it on the big pits outside.”

“This is just a dream kitchen, Sara. I mean, I love La Fromage, but it’s such a small space for so many workers, and there’s no room to bring in any new equipment. I just can’t believe this.”
