Page 26 of Rett

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“They knew one another in high school,” smiled Marie. “Those two might have found one another again, no matter what.”

“Maybe not,” said Claudette. “If none of this had happened, I would have died in that tent because of a stupid, prideful mistake. Virginia coming to get me, followed closely by Wes, was the only thing that saved me. If that hadn’t happened, I wouldn’t be here with Jake.”

“Think about all the circumstances that had to align for all of you to be here.” There was laughter around her, others shaking their heads. “You don’t agree?”

“We don’t believe in circumstances aligning,” said Luke. “Most of us believe that my grandmother has a great deal to do with everything that happens here.” Casey stared at Luke, then turned to look at the others, all smiling in her direction. When she looked up at Rett, he just shrugged with a smile.

“Well, Mama Irene, what’s the truth?” asked Casey.

“The truth is, honey, love will always find a way to connect two people. Always. There doesn’t have to be magical spells or mysterious clouds of fairy dust. It will just find a way for anyone willing to listen.”

“But it didn’t for my parents. They loved one another but couldn’t find a way to be close and live together.”

“They found their own way, honey. Your mama and daddy wrote to one another all the time. Called one another when they could, spoke about you and about life. Neither ever remarried, not interested when they knew their one true love was still out there.”

“How do you know all that?” she frowned.

“Oh, well, now. I visited your daddy a few times. We talked about things, that’s all.” Casey just stared at the older woman, shaking her head.

“So, you really believe that love is the answer?” she asked.

“I believe it can cure almost anything,” said Matthew. “I’ve been witness to it curing almost anything. Julia loved Joseph so much, she got him walking again, back on duty, and not thinking of anything except her love.”

Joseph hugged his wife closer, kissing her as he whispered something in her ear.

“Lauren, her love for Trak made him rethink his entire life. Allowed him to forgive his grandfather and make amends. And eventually, it allowed him to forgive his mother. That’s a powerful love, baby. Powerful.

“Hiro’s love for Winter was patient, kind, and true. In a world where she’d never seen or felt love, she was given the opportunity to embrace love. Afraid, terrified really, she opened her arms and knew that Hiro would always protect her.”

“After I screamed,” smirked Winter. Hiro kissed her, hugging her.

“Scream all you want, baby.”

“How does this happen?” asked Casey. “I mean, it’s so different than everything outside those gates. Is this about faith? Is it really just about love? Could it all be that simple?”

“Most things are far simpler than we make them out to be,” said Irene. “We choose to love someone, to protect them, and hold them close. Hate is easy to choose. Love is harder. It requires humility and vulnerability. You gotta shed that old skin, those old feelings, and open yourself to what’s in front of you. Not everyone is brave enough to do that.”

Pigsty and Sira walked toward the group. He kissed his wife, allowing her to take a seat with the others as he walked toward Hex. The big man stood, nodding toward Cam, Luke, and Eric, then pointed to triplets.

“I’ll be back, honey.”


“What’s up?” asked Rett.

“Sheriff is here with two NOPD officers. Said they have some information we might be interested in about that coffee shop across from Casey’s apartment,” said Pigsty.

The men filed into the boardroom, the officers already seated, waiting for them.

“Sheriff, officers, nice to see you again,” said Eric.

“Don’t lie, Eric. I’ll tell your daddy, and he’ll beat the shit out of you,” smirked the sheriff. Eric just laughed, shaking his head. “Listen, we loitered around that coffee shop the last few days. Strangest shit I’ve ever seen.”

“Why?” asked Rett.

“How many coffee shops do you know that are only open late at night, and if they decide to open earlier, they’re always out of coffee,” said one of the officers. “I took the drug dogs in there last night, let them just sniff around. They were nervous. Beyond nervous.”

“What did the dogs find?” asked Rett.
