Page 28 of Rett

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“Well, sir, I know you’re familiar with Zeke and Kiel Wolfkill, both Green Berets.” The general nodded. “Well, sir, Kiel has triplet sons. Identical. All three are Green Berets. Recently, Ryder lent them to Barber and his unit for recon on Ramos in Venezuela.”

“Fuck me,” murmured Bankston.

“Yes, sir. We’re clearing up the issues of the dead girl, which our man did not kill. But the more concerning issue for us right now is that three of Ramos’s men have parked themselves in the city, watching an apartment where they thought one of the boys lived. When we had local law enforcement go into their place of business,” said Luke with air quotes, “one of the men had a uniform photo, government-issued, on one of the triplets.”

“Place of business?”

“It’s a coffee shop that never seems to have coffee. The NOPD drug dogs went inside and went crazy. But someone, and we believe it was Ryder or Barber, gave them a photo.”

“Hold on, Luke.” He heard the man call someone else into his office, telling the other man to see if he could find out who had accessed those records. Luke could hear the clicking of keys in the background, then a deep baritone voice spoke.

“Multiple times the records for all three men have been accessed in the last month. Every time, it was by someone in General Ryder’s staff or Colonel Barber’s staff or one of them personally. That’s highly unusual, sir. Neither is known for their technical prowess.”

“Thank you, Goldman,” he said, nodding at the man Luke couldn’t see. “I think that’s your answer, Luke. How would you like me to help?”

“I need to know what the fuck they’re doing down there. They took credit for the operation on Ramos’s compound, earning both of them commendations, while it was my boys that stuck their necks out.”

“Just to be clear, Luke, they’re stillmyboys. For now, anyway. But I know what you meant. That whole region is volatile and ready to explode. The cartels are fighting one another, the drugs are getting more sophisticated, and the trafficking is as heavy there as it is in Asia. We can’t keep cleaning up their shit.”

“Neither can we, sir. Listen, the Wolfkill brothers have been placed on mandatory administrative leave. I want to keep it that way and keep them out of sight. I think Ryder and Barber are up to some shit, and we need time to prove it.”

“I’ll make sure their leave continues. I don’t know where they are, Luke. But just keep them out of sight for now.”


Rett, East, and Eazee waited at the corner for the others to let them know the way was clear to approach the coffee shop. What they wanted to be certain of was that there were still only three men inside the shop. Bankston had said to stay out of sight, but that wasn’t their style. Besides, the only people looking for them were the men in that coffee shop.

“Eric is going inside now,” said Luke in their ears. Dan stood at the door, waiting for him, giving signals behind his back. The three men looked up, staring at the giants in front of them. Dan and Eric were both six-feet-six, but it was the bulk attached to the height that made people take notice. That, and the fierce expressions that silently said, ‘I dare you.’

“Two hot coffees,” said Eric.

“We’re out,” said the man. One thing Eric took notice of was that this man had no accent. He didn’t appear to be Venezuelan at all. He was one hundred percent American.

“Out? How does a fucking coffee shop run out of coffee?” he growled. The man just smirked at him, leaning back so that Eric could see his weapon inside the holster.

“We’re out, homey. Leave.”

“No, that’s not how this works,” said Dan, stepping closer. “See, you’re a coffee shop, and I see bags of coffee on your shelf. You need to take them down off the shelf, grind those fucking beans, and make me some coffee.”

The two men standing with the man at the counter frowned, all three showing their weapons. It was risky and stupid.

“You really are slow, aren’t you, sasquatch?” smirked the other man.

“Well, now, that’s just not nice at all,” said Eric. “I think I remember people calling my father that name.”

The three men chuckled, shaking their heads, believing they had the upper hand on the two big men. Little did they know that while they were standing at the counter, Luke, JB, and Tobias were sneaking in the back door.

The first man pulled his weapon, pointing it directly at Dan.

“Leave,” he grinned, believing he’d shown his hand.

His grin slowly disappeared as he felt the cold steel at the back of his neck. Frowning, he looked to his left, then his right. His two friends were now facing the wall.

“We don’t want to leave,” said JB. “And you have some very interesting inventory in the back.”

From across the street in the darkness, they saw three figures walking toward them. Identical in every way. Height. Weight. Even clothing. It was as if they were seeing multiple images of the same thing. When they stepped inside the coffee shop, the three baristas knew exactly who they were.

“We hear you’re looking for us,” they said in unison.
