Page 129 of Branded

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Cade tried to stay in control, but I could see he was about to lose it.

“Stop struggling or you’ll hurt the baby,” Jake yelled at me.

“Come on, let’s have it out,” Cade told Jake. “Just you and me. Last man standing gets her.”

“No!” Was my husband out of his mind?

“I like the sound of that,” Jake said. He whirled me around and kissed me hard, forcing his tongue into my mouth.

Cade charged toward us as I heard a noise behind me and saw Cade’s truck speed up the driveway.

It all happened in the blink of an eye.

Jake shoved me into the fencing, and my head hit the railing. I went down hard.

Jake and Cade were fighting.

Boone rushed over to me and hollered, “The sheriff is coming and so is Travis.”

Graves and Buster ran to Olivia.

I blinked my eyes slowly as I watched Cade and Jake.

“You’re gonna be okay, Shelby,” Boone told me.

Jake kicked Cade off him, pulled a handgun from his sport coat.

Cade stood and as the gun went off, he stumbled back. Then another shot pierced through the air.

“Cade!” I screamed as Boone held me back from getting up. “Cade!”

Graves went to Cade and put the gun in his hand. Jake was dragging his leg, crawling away. Cade got to his feet. I couldn’t believe what I was watching. He stood above Jake and three shots shook the earth and Jake stopped moving.

“Go to your woman. I’ll dispose of the gun,” Graves said to him.

Cade dropped next to me and assessed my face and body. “Where do you hurt?”

“Everywhere.” I cried. “You’ve been shot.”

“I’m fine. It’s over baby. He won’t hurt you again.” He held me and kissed my head.

A contraction stole my breath away, and it felt like I needed to bear down. “The baby! I think it’s coming!”



It’d been two weeks since Jake had returned from the dead and tormented us one last time. He’d been abandoned by the men who’d come with him. It had only been him on my property. The second car I’d seen hadn’t been there when the calvary, me and my crew, arrived.

Shelby had been on bedrest in the hospital. I’d been glad. We all needed a break and rest, but our baby wouldn’t cook any longer.

I watched as my wife finished devouring a slice of apple pie her mother had brought. The contentment on her beautiful face put an ache in my chest. Finally, we were where I’d always wanted us to be. It’d take far too long to get here, but I was damn happy to have her back in my life.

I stared down at the small bundle in my arms, praying he was mine. Our destiny would be revealed soon, and I was terrified Jake was the biological father. Of course, if he was, it wouldn’t mean a damn thing. I would love this little guy with all my heart and protect him from the evils in the world as a father would. We might not be blood-related, but I would be his father in every other way possible.

Lifting my gaze to Shelby’s, I mouthed,I love you, Honeybee.So long as I had her by my side, I’d be okay no matter what happened.

She beamed brightly. “I love you more.”
