Page 24 of Branded

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My blood pressure skyrocketed, and my palms were sweaty. What was Cade doing?

“I’m in finance and dabble in land development,” Jake finally replied. What was he talking about? He was rich and didn’t have a job.

“Interesting. I can’t imagine you have much time for Shelby, being a financial advisor and realtor.” Cade lifted his beer to hislips. “You Californians are a bunch of overachievers, working two jobs. When do you have time to relax and play?”

Jake leaned forward. “I have all the time in the world for Shelby. I’m self-employed.”

“So you don’t work?”

“Cade,” I hissed.

He shot me a glance but went on interrogating Jake… “When the rest of us are working our full-time jobs, what are you doing?”

“Cade, enough,” I told him in a warning tone and glared. He didn’t so much as flinch. Oh no. He absorbed my irritation and held firm. What had gotten into him?

“I don’t work in the traditional sense of the word,” Jake said with an air of arrogance. “See, I’m a billionaire. I’m not bragging, but—”

“You’re not?” Cade snorted.

“You seemed concerned about Shelby, and you don’t have to be. I have the luxury of working or not. Sue me.” An arrogant grin stretched across his face. “I grow my money by buying and selling stocks and real estate.”

“B, b, billionaire?” Olivia exclaimed, her eyes bulging and blinking in shock.

I needed to put an end to this pissing contest. “Enough with all the questions.”

“Billionaire doesn’t mean much to us country folk,” Cade said with a smirk. “If the financial world as we know it collapsed, or an EMP knocked out all electronics, you’d be shit out of luck. Your billions would be useless. How will you provide and protect Shelby if that happens?”

“Oh, Jesus. Really, Cade?” I emptied my glass of wine.

Both our families were self-reliant and prepared for several natural disasters, even the zombie apocalypse. Sure, we had electricity and Wi-Fi, and all the creature comforts, but if thecountry went to shit and money became coloring paper for kids, we’d survive on our farms. All of Burntwood would band together to defend what was ours. Couldn’t say the same would happen in SoCal, but I wasn’t worried. All those post-apocalyptic books my folks read were just the musings of an author’s wildly active imagination.

“Miles, you might want to send some guns home with Shelby so she can protect herself and her billionaire boyfriend.” Cade leveled his hardened gaze at me. “Honeybee, do you remember how to shoot a gun?”

“That’s it!” I vaulted to my feet. The force rattled the glasses and flatware on the table.

Jake took my hand. “Shelby, it’s okay. Please, sit down. Your family and friends have legitimate concerns. I’m not offended.”

“Well, you should be.” I sat back down and scowled at Cade’s stupid, unapologetic face. What in God’s name had gotten into him? It was like he was a completely different person. When we were together, he rarely offended anyone. He also never cowered to anyone.

“I own a bomb shelter in Nevada with enough food to last us five years. I’m probably more prepared than you all,” Jake said matter-of-factly. “And I go to the shooting range regularly. I can defend my girl.”

The shooting range? This was news to me, along with the shelter. I had an inkling Jake was lying through his perfect white teeth just to one-up Cade.

Jake turned toward my parents. “I promise Shelby will never want for anything.”

“Let the battle begin,” Olivia muttered beside me.

I elbowed her to shut up.

“If you’d like, I can install a bomb shelter on your property. It’d be my anniversary gift to you.” Jake took out his cell phone.“I can have my guy get started right away. So you can have peace of mind.”

“Jake, that’s not necessary,” my mom said. “And too much money.”

“What’s ten million for a little peace of mind?” He shrugged like we were only discussing thousands of dollars and not millions.Show off. “But you might prefer something less luxurious, being your farmers and not used to living a privileged life.”

“Listen here, fucker!” Cade slammed his hand on the table. “You’re in my territory now and you need to be taught some manners.” He pointed his long digit at Jake.

“I can’t believe you!” I jumped out of my seat so fast, my chair crashed to the floor, startling everyone. “Never have I been so embarrassed. And you.” I looked down at Jake and his smug expression. “How could you show off and disrespect my family?” I stormed out of the dining room and ran upstairs to my bedroom.
