Page 19 of Almost Priest

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There was still some crunching going on in the woods so Sam didn’t waste any more time following the two lovers. She just hoped they didn’t realize she’d been watching their interlude.

Colin noticedSam return to her seat at the bar and decided to join her. He slid onto the stool beside her and asked Kelly to get him a Coke. When she turned she expelled a breath of surprise. He mentally frowned that she was still uncomfortable around him.

Perhaps it wasn’t that they walked in on each other. Perhaps it was the priest thing. Some people weren’t always sure how to act in front of him. Knowing a priest outside of church was sometimes like seeing a teacher at the grocery store. It just seemed wrong to admit they were normal human beings like everyone else.

“You know, I’m not going to throw holy water on you and give you penance if you say the wrong thing.”

She blushed. The sun had given her cheeks some extra freckles today.

“I’m still just a regular guy.”

“Sorry. I guess I just don’t know how to be around a holy person in a bar.”

He chuckled. “That does sound like a bit of an oxymoron. Thankfully I’m no more holy than anyone else under this roof.”

She raised her eyebrows. They were the softest brown he’d ever seen.

“Are you not taking vows to become a priest in a few months? Or is that just what you’ve been telling the others while you lived the high life off the mountain.”

He appreciated her wit. “I’m taking my holy orders on August first, but they aren’t vows, just a promise to a bishop to dedicate my life to God’s work. Well, that and to be celibate. I’ll still be Colin McCullough.”

“Can you perform sacraments?”

“Nope. Can’t even say Mass yet.”

“But you’ll be able to soon.”


“When you’re away at seminary do you dress different?”

“Not really. I usually wear a black dress shirt and pants. No collars or robes yet.”

“What made you want to be a priest?”

She relaxed slightly and he was grateful for that. She was still only seeing him as a soon to be priest, but perhaps after he answered all her questions she’d understand he had more than religious interests in life.

“Let’s start with this. I’m twenty-nine. I go to church every day. When I was twelve I began considering priesthood. In the Old Testament there’s a line that reads“there is a fire burning in my heart, imprisoned in my bones; I grow weary of holding it in.”The day I read that was the day I told my parents I was considering joining the church. I met with a local priest and was told that this calling was referred to as Internal Discernment, but I’d have to wait it out to see if it faded.

“I left for college as soon as I graduated high school. I earned my bachelor’s degree, took an extra year of theology, and minored in philosophy. What’s your major?”

She seemed vaguely taken off guard by his sudden outpouring of personal information, but had no issue keeping up with the conversation. “I’m going to be a secondary English teacher.”

“I can see that. What made you choose teaching?”

“My mother was a teacher.”

“And she’s not now?”

“No. She and my father own a bed and breakfast outside of Lambertville, New Jersey. She stopped teaching when I was fourteen, but they only opened the B&B a year ago after my dad recovered from a massive heart attack.”

“I’m sorry. I hope he’s doing well now.”

“He is. They’re very happy with their new business. It was a good thing for them to sell our old home and buy new. It gave them a fresh start that was long overdue.”

“Why long overdue?”

“Did you join seminary right after college?”
