Page 24 of Almost Priest

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“He can’t. I tried.”

“You do not believe He’s your Savior?”

“I don’t believe I’m worthy.”

“Oh, beautiful Samantha, you’re quite worthy. You are ‘the sins I have kept concealed for so long’.”

“What comes next?”

“And which are now hidden from my memory.”

“So have you forgotten me, Father McCullough?”

“I try every day.”

Sam pressed her lips together and gave a tight nod. The fact that she’d been worked out to be some sort of dirty thought stung.

“I’ll go now.”

“Don’t stay away too long, Samantha. I’m running out of time.”

“Time for what?”

“Until it all becomes real.” Father McCullough pressed his lips gently to hers and whispered, “Go now, before the temptation becomes too great.”

Samantha woke up with a start.Her body thrummed with a sexual pulse that should’ve never stemmed from such a dream. She was in Braydon’s bed, yet she dreamt about his brother, as a priest! She was going to Hell.

She needed to put a stop to these thoughts once and for all. Her best course of action would be to avoid Colin as much as possible for the remainder of her time at the McCulloughs’.

She sighed. It was Sunday. She had nineteen days left.

Samantha stood and frowned at the door to the hall. The absence of children squeaking and galloping up and down the hall had her wondering what time it was. She found her cell phone and checked the time. Nine thirty; compared to the day before, she’d slept in.

Setting out her clothes for the day, she faced the bathroom, pausing to look for any show of light seeping from the crack beneath the door before she knocked. No answer.

Sam eased the door open to find only a dim, empty room. Her eyes dwelled on the opposite door.

That would be Colin’s bedroom. She looked to the floor and noticed there were no lights flooding under the crack from that room either. She was tempted to peek into his private space, but the idea of him catching her snooping was humiliating enough to stave off her curiosity.

Pulling the shower curtain aside she had a flash of Colin, stunningly naked, soaping up his deliciously hard, muscular body. She moaned as she imagined trickling beads of water forming slow rivulets over his abs.

“Bad Samantha,” she mumbled as she turned on the water and adjusted the temperature.

For the next thirty minutes Samantha chastised herself every time she thought about Colin. Instead she tried to occupy her mind with thoughts of the upcoming day. Perhaps she could find someone to show her the orchard. Maybe try her hand at horseback riding. Maybe Colin would show her how to sit properly on a saddle. Maybe help her stay balanced by sitting behind her, his thighs tightly encasing hers so that her bottom rested flush against his solid—

“Bad!” she hissed as she tied her sneakers and adjusted her tank top. She took one last look in the mirror. “That’s as good as it’s gonna get.”

As she headed down the steps the house still seemed unusually quiet. It was only ten in the morning. Surely everyone hadn’t already eaten and left to start their day? She acknowledged that Braydon wasn’t the best at playing the host, but he wouldn’t have made plans without even telling her. Chances were he was sleeping off a hangover.

As she reached the bottom of the stairs she looked to her left. The den was empty and dark. Frankie, Skylar, and Hannah were nowhere to be found. Had Katherine returned home last night?

She turned into the quiet kitchen and smiled with a sense of relief.

“Good morning, Kelly.”

“Good morning, love. Sleep well?”

He was sitting alone at the long farm style table, sipping coffee from a steaming mug, and reading the newspaper.
