Page 42 of Almost Priest

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About an hour later Colin had taken all he could take. Samantha dozed off, looking all too comfortable with her head resting on Braydon’s shoulder. He stood and went to say goodnight to his parents and the rest of them. He debated not saying goodbye to Braydon, but knew that was wrong. Steeling himself, he walked over to him and Sammy.

“You takin’ off, Col?”

“Yeah. I’ll see you in the morning.”

When Braydon reached up to shake his hand he jarred Samantha and woke her up. She sat up, looking groggy and stiff and frowned. As she turned her head she winced.

“I’ll see you, man,” Bray said.

“Are you leaving?” Samantha rasped in a drowsy voice that seemed to go right to his heart and other inappropriate places.Whoa. He needed to stop. His thoughts were getting worse by the day. By the hour.

“Yeah. I’ve had enough.”

She stretched. “I think I’ve had enough too.”

Braydon pouted. “Really? The nights just getting started.”

“I can give you a ride back if you want,” Colin suggested, sounding all too eager to his own ears. Samantha eyed him skeptically. “That way Braydon can stay as long as he wants.”

She looked at Braydon. “Do you care?”

“Nah, do what you want, babe. I’ll be fine. Go home and get some rest.”


Samantha stood to gather her belongings. Colin stepped away so as not to hover or seem anxious. He waited by the trail back where the cars were parked and watched her.

Her ponytail had come partially loose and hung cockeyed. She still looked half-asleep. Rather than put on her sneakers, she carried them in her hand along with the bunched up fleece blanket she’d been resting under.

He was suddenly very frightened about what he’d just gotten himself into.


Colin drove back to the house with more precision than he used when taking his driver's test as a sixteen year old boy. His knuckles gripped the wheel so tight they were bloodless. Samantha sat quietly beside him and not once did his eyes leave the road.

As he pulled into the empty driveway he looked up to the dark house and his heart clamored so fast and hard within his chest he feared he might actually pass out. He shut the car off and neither of them moved or said a word.

After looking out the windshield for another several minutes he finally said, “I’m sorry I haven’t been around the past couple of days.”

He glanced at her and she looked as though she had been watching him all along. Her expression was blank and her eyes shone in the moonlight. “I figured it was for the best.”

She didn’t nod or reply. They sat, separated by the console, and simply stared at one another in silence. Like horses lined at the gate propelled into motion by a shot, they each suddenly lunged at each other, mouths slanting over mouths, teeth clacking together, hands squeezing flesh and pulling hair. He wanted to inhale her.

Her tongue passed his lips the same time his passed hers. She was breathing roughly, but so was he. It was as if they were in a race and the finish line was the difference between life and death. He squeezed her shoulders through her sweatshirt, ran his fingers through her hair dislodging her ponytail completely. She moaned into his mouth and pulled her body up so that she was kneeling in the passenger seat.

Fingers forked through his hair sending chills over every square inch of his chest. Dear God, he was so aroused he feared he would come just from kissing her. He needed to get control of himself. He fought for control of the kiss but she seemed determined not to relinquish it. He slowed his tongue's onslaught of her mouth and slid his palms down the side of her neck, his thumbs rubbing soothing circles on either side of her jaw.

“Samantha,” he breathed as he slowed their kiss.

As their need faded from a volatile eruption of desire to smoldering embers she pulled her mouth away and pressed her forehead to his. Her eyes were squeezed together so tight she looked to be in pain. Colin shut his eyes as well, simply holding her for another moment before he had to let her go again.

When he finally pulled away he noticed the glass of the windshield was humid and starting to fog.

“We’d better go inside.”

Her eyes opened and she looked at him questioningly.
