Page 61 of Almost Priest

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“I’m talking about Sam. I ought to kick your sorry ass! What the fuck did you think would happen? It would all just go away?”

“What would go away?” Kelly asked.

Before Colin could tell Kelly to take a hike, Braydon turned to him and snapped, “Stay out of it.”

“Fuck you, Bray. And fuck you too, Colin.”

Braydon turned back to Colin and pushed him. “She’s up there about to cry, and it’s all your fault.”

“Who’s crying? Sammy?” Kelly asked and they each ignored him.

“What do you want me to do, Bray? I never made her any promises.”

He hated that she was hurting, but they had each known this moment was coming.

Braydon growled at him. “Then you don’t do anything! You had no right to play with a girl like her knowing you were never going to change your plans! She fucking loves you, asshole. And you're so goddamn pigheaded you’re going to let her go so you can go play monk and take vows of poverty and celibacy and any other sacrifice that makes your pompous ass feel more like a righteous martyr.”

His brother’s words stunned him and he reacted without thinking, punching Braydon square in the nose.

Utterly shocked by his actions, Colin reared back. It was a knee jerk reaction, one he hadn’t had since he was a kid, horsing around with his brothers. But this wasn’t horsing around. His brother’s accusations stung. Disgust for his barbaric behavior set in before his arm even returned to his side. But Braydon wouldn’t know that. No, rather than evaluate their emotions on a sophisticated level, Braydon found it better to throw an uppercut that knocked Colin right on his ass.

All hell broke loose. Punches flew and knuckles collided with flesh. Somehow Kelly got tossed into the melee and Luke was suddenly there ripping them all apart.

“What the bloody fuck is going on?”Luke screamed.

Colin caught his breath and stared hard at Braydon who had blood smeared from his nose to his cheek. Kelly, the scrappy little shit, looked like he just stepped out of a cover shoot. Colin tasted blood and ran his thumb under is lip. Yup, blood. Luke looked from one brother to the next.

“What the fuck?” he asked again.

“Sorry,” Colin said to the three of them.

“What the hell happened?” Luke asked.

“Nothing,” Braydon said, not making eye contact with him or Luke.

Luke looked at Kelly and Kelly held up his hands, “Don’t look at me. I was dragged into this.”

Blown away by the stench of bullshit coming from his youngest brother Colin snorted out a disbelieving laugh.

Kelly looked at him. “What? I was.”

He was done with all of them. Turning on his heel to return to the house Colin said to no one in particular, “I’m leaving.” Thankfully no one tried to stop him.

As Colin passed the guesthouse he spotted Tristan waiting at the door. Odd thing was he didn’t have shoes on. “If you’re looking for Luke, he’s that way.”

When he returned to the house he marched straight up to his room and shut himself in. After locking the door behind him he went through the bathroom and locked the door leading to Sam’s room. He sat on his bed and cradled his pounding head. He needed to think for a minute. Think and pray.


Sam heard the door lock, locking her out of Colin’s room and felt as if a part of her broke away from her soul. It was starting. He was pulling away. How would she ever get through these last few hours? She went to the door and softly tapped against the wood.


She listened, but heard nothing. She flinched when she heard the sound of something crashing against the floor and glass shattering. Her hand instinctively went to the knob. She jiggled it, but it was locked from the inside as she’d suspected.

“Colin, please let me in.”

She waited a moment longer and then saw the shadow of his feet peek out below the door. Her hand went to the wood, as if she could somehow touch him, get through to him. He was hurting too.
