Page 76 of Almost Priest

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“Braydon, what are you doing here?” she finally interrupted.

He seemed intent on updating her on every McCullough and there were certain McCulloughs she could do without hearing about, especially this close to her due date and being so emotional. Not to mention that she had to pee again and didn’t want Braydon to notice her condition.

“I was worried about you. My mom tells me that Colin—”

“Please don’t bring him up. I really can’t deal with any thoughts of your brother at the moment. I’m busy and I have to get back to work. I’m sorry.”

She knew she gave her feelings away, but she had to if she wanted him to keep Colin out of all conversation. He gave her a sad smile that Sam took as his understanding her dismissal was more a self-preservation thing than anything personal.

“Okay, Sam. Well, I’m glad I saw you. I’ll let you get back to work. Congrats on the new job and maybe I’ll stop by before school lets out.”

“Sure. Closer to June would be best. I won’t be…as busy then.”

He smiled seeming pleased that she’d like to visit with him at a less hectic time. “Okay then. You still have my number. Call me if you ever want to grab a drink or something. Just as friends, Sam. I hope we’re still at least that.”

She smiled. “We’re still friends, Braydon.”


When he finally left Sam leaned back in her chair and breathed a huge sigh of relief. She hoisted herself out of her seat and waddled toward the bathroom before her bladder exploded. She was halfway to the door when Braydon suddenly breezed back in.

“I forgot my keys—”

They both froze.

There was no hiding her belly.

His eyes grew to the size of saucers. “Jesus fucking Christ, you’re pregnant?”

Sam hung her head. Her life would’ve been so much easier if she could have avoided this moment. She was about to sit back down and explain herself, but instead said, “Yes. And no doubt a million accusations are running through your head, most of them likely insulting, but I’m not going to listen to a single one until I go pee. You’re welcome to sit. I’ll be back in five minutes. Just remember, Braydon, knowing what’s right doesn’t always change what is real.”

“But Sam—”

“Not until I pee,” she said and wobbled out the door.

It took longer than five minutes for Sam to waddle her way back to her classroom. With every hour that brought her closer to her due date her belly seemed to drop lower. She felt like her baby could fall out of her at any given moment.

When she entered the room she could tell Braydon still hadn’t accepted what he had seen. He sat in a student’s desk in the front row and reminded her of a kid. His face was pale and his expression was one of complete bewilderment. Waddling to her desk, she sighed as she sat down.

“Braydon, it’s okay. Really. I’m okay.”

“You’re pregnant,” he said this as if it was news to her. Then he shook his head as if it were simply impossible. “Colin’s?”

She pressed her lips together. She’d never told anyone who the father was. Braydon looked as though this revelation was costing him and she could make that all go away with just one lie. All she had to do was deny Colin’s paternity, but for some reason she could not lie to Braydon.

“The baby’s father isn’t an issue. He or she will have all the love they need. I’ll be every bit as much of a father to this child as a mother. My child will want for nothing when it comes to being loved and nurtured.”

He scowled at her. “You can’t do this, Sam. My family has a right to that child’s life. That’s my niece or nephew in there.”

Overprotectiveness blanketed her like a second skin. If the McCullough’s knew Colin was the father he would undoubtedly find out. It would ruin his future and he would resent her for the rest of his life. He had made his choice and he didn’t choose her.

Sadness morphed into anger.

“What do you propose I do, Braydon? Walk into Saint Peter’s or wherever your brother is and ask for the use of a manger because I am about to bring the child of a holy man into this world? You know I can’t do that to him.”

“He’s not at Saint Peter’s.”

“Well, wherever he is.” She waved away the technicality. “There’s nothing he can do.”
