Page 19 of Dead and Buried

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I smile at that. “I figured since she asked.”

Zane leans over to peek at my menu. “So, what are you going to order?”

I hum, considering the options. “I’m going to get the Ruben.”

I look up to find Zane grinning. “That’s what I always get here.”

A guy around our age stops at the end of the table. “What can I get you guys to drink?”

“Root beer, please,” I respond automatically.

“Coke,” Zane says, watching the guy take note.

“Can I get you guys any appetizers?” He looks between us expectantly.

“Yeah, can we get the pub pretzels?” Zane asks, stacking his menu on top of mine. “We’d also both like to order a Ruben.”

The guy nods, writing everything down on his notepad. “Okay, I’ll bring your drinks out in a bit.” He knocks his knuckles against the table before walking away.

I turn back to Zane. “So…”

Zane looks at the table with a soft smile. “I’ve never been on a date before, but I’m happy the first one is with you.”

I my cheeks heat and I smile. “Me too. Sorry if I’m being a little awkward.” I lean forward, setting my hands on the table. “I guess it’s just new for me to be out like this but, I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do.”

Zane reaches across the table to take my hands into his. “How about we just talk? We can get to know each other a little better.”

I frown at the table. “Okay, but no talking about family or childhood.”

Zane looks relieved at that, and I take note of it. “I can agree to that.”

Which we do. The food is good and so is the atmosphere. We talk about everything and nothing. I’m sad when we find ourselvesheading back to the car. “Seriously? They put beer in the cheese?” I say, grabbing his elbow to stop him from opening my door.

“Cross my heart.” He uses his finger tip to mark an “X” over the middle of his chest.

I stand there, sunned. “I honestly never would have guessed. It was delicious. When I learn to cook, that’s the first thing I’m going to make.”

Zane smiles down at me. “If you promise to share, I can see if Nox will teach you.”

I consider that for a moment before shaking my head. “He’s the TA for my class. It wouldn’t be appropriate to spend that much time with him outside of class.”

Zane shrugs. “That’s only for this semester. It’ll be fine second semester.”

I roll my lips in. “Fine. If he wants to do it, I won’t say no.”

Zane reaches over and opens the door for me. I slide into his tiny car and am already buckled by the time he gets into the driver’s side. As we drive through town, I find myself wishing the restaurant was more than fifteen minutes from my dorm. I guess I can understand that stupid Shakespeare quote my tutor made me analyze. “Parting is such sweet sorrow.” I’m already looking forward to the next time I see Zane, while still being sad that this one is coming to an end.

When he parks the car, he hurries out to open my door before I get a chance to. I let him take my hand to help me out. Our hands stay entwined while we walk toward the entrance of the dorm. The closer we get, the sweatier Zane’s palm seems to get. When we stop a few steps away, he turns to me.

Zane’s eyes go everywhere but to me as he scratches the back of his neck. “Do you, um… Is it okay if… Should we…” He trails off, scratching his jaw now.

I smile and lean up on my tiptoes. “Yes.”

His eyes finally land on mine before they trail down to my lips. One hand cups the side of my neck and he leans in, almost in slow motion. It feels like eternities have passed by the time his lips finally press against mine.

I push up higher on my toes to press our lips morefirmly together. Zane makes a little noise and his hand moves to cup the back of my neck. He holds me tenderly as the tip of his tongue swipes across my bottom lip. A gasp leaves me, and the next thing I know, I’m pressed to the brick with my arms wrapped around his neck as we battle each other for dominance.

He’s letting me win. Even though our positions give him the advantage, he follows my lead, letting me change the pace and pressure of our first kiss. I pull him tighter against me until there is no space between our chests.
