Page 55 of Dead and Buried

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“Home.” His answer is firm as he holds onto the steering wheel so tightly his knuckles turn white.

Should I be worried he’s going to take me back to their house and try to kill me? I mean, I’m pretty confident that if it came down to it, I’d win in a fight. Without a blitz attack, he won’t be able to get the upper hand, but if we’re going to his house, he’ll have three other guys on his side—all much larger than me. If I go straight to mortal wounds, I might be able to win, but I kind of like all of them, so I don’t really want to kill any of them.

“What are you thinking about so hard?” Zane demands as we pull onto their street.

I glance over at him from the corner of my eye. “I was trying to decide if I could incapacitate all of you if you plan to kill me, but I think I’d have to kill at least a couple of you if it came down to it.”

He just blinks at me for a moment. “We would never try to hurt you, and if any of the guys even thought about it, I’d kill them without a second thought.”

Well, that lessens some of my anxiety as we pull into the driveway. Zane jumps out of the car before coming around to collect me. Threading his fingers through mine, I allow him to lead me up the steps and into the house. Sloane is coming out of the kitchen as we walk in and Zane tugs me past him to the stairs without a word. I raise my brows.

I’ve only been upstairs once during the sleepover, and I’d been too preoccupied with Zane’s cock in my mouth to notice much about his room, but when he ushers me in, I take the opportunity to look at everything. His furniture is black and the walls are a soft cream color, the same as the hallway on the second floor. His bedspread is a deep blue that looks almost black. It’s pretty bare bones for what I would expect for an artist who always walks around splattered in paint.

The door slams shut behind us. I turn to inquire about what we’re doing here, but Zane takes the opportunity to literally pick me up and kiss the daylights out of me. My legs wrap around his waist and my fingers knot themselves in his hair. I’ve never been a fan of longer hair on guys, but Zane just makes it work. He kind of reminds me of a hot version of Dracula.

The world tilts and I find myself looking up at him with my back pressed into his mattress. He starts yanking on my clothes until I’m in nothing but my underwear. “It’s literally driving me crazy thinking about some other guy being the last person to touch you. I need to make you forget about him. Replace his touch with mine.” His lips press into my skin as he kisses a line down my collarbone.

Something about him being possessive like this makes my heart beat faster. My hand fists in his hair when he tugs one cup of my bra down to tease my nipple with gentle teeth. Zane’s mouth is wicked in the best ways possible. It’s like every time he puts his mouth on me, I forget about everything else going on.

Bowing my back, I let him unhook my bra and tug it free from my body. By the time he’s done with my nipples, I want to beg him to justfuck me already because I just can’t stand the wait. It’s like my prayers have been answered when he finally hooks his fingers around the waistband of my pink panties and tugs them down.

Slowly, he moves down my body, pressing firm kisses against my stomach as he goes. I almost cry in relief when he finally hooks my legs over his shoulders. My entire body bows off the bed when his mouth closes around my clit. “Zane!” I gasp when he pushes two fingers inside of me without warning.

We’ve made each other come enough times for him to know exactly how to get me to the edge of an orgasm as fast as possible. When I fall over the edge, I cry out as my legs shake around his head. He keeps going until I’m finally coherent enough to pull his head away. He looks up at me with my legs still wrapped around his head and I nearly come again just from the sight.

I want to yell and curse at him when he gets up from between my legs and walks over to the closet. I watch as he pulls out a giant box of condoms and rips it open before setting it on the nightstand. I’m not sure exactly what he thinks is going to happen, but there’s no way we’re having sex—I glance at the box—forty times. I take it back. He’s not just psychologically divergent, he’s actually crazy. Like, on a scale of one to ten, he’s a solid fifty million.

A soft chuckle leaves him at whatever expression must be on my face. “I wanted to be prepared. Besides, we’ll use them all eventually.”

Huffing, I roll my eyes at him. “Well, we’re certainly not using them all today.”

Zane smiles, crawling back onto the bed and pinning me in with his arms. Maybe we should get more. Forty suddenly doesn’t seem like enough. My palm runs down his chest and I pout when I realize he’s still wearing his shirt.

I realize for the first time that I’ve never seen him without his shirt. My fingers hook around the hem of his tee with a new goal of having him completely bare to me. Zane freezes above me and pulls away, his breathing deepening. I frown at his reaction and sit up. “What’s wrong?” My head tilts to the side as I watch him carefully.

Zane’s hands tangle in the hem of his shirt like he’s trying to makesure I don’t get another chance to take it away. “I… I don’t take my shirt off in front of other people.” He speaks slowly, avoiding my eyes.

“Why?” I reach forward and tug one of his hands into mine and he finally meets my eyes.

A ragged breath leaves him. “I’ve got scars on my side and back. They’re ugly and I just don’t like people judging me.” He glances away and I can tell that some part of that was a lie, but I’m not sure which part.

I get to my knees next to him so we’re at eye level. “I would never judge you, but you don’t have to show me if you don’t want to. You’ve just never told me about it. I didn’t know.”

Zane’s lips roll in and his brows lower. “What if you see and don’t want me anymore?”

The corners of my lips turn down at that. “Why would you think that? You’re prefect just the way you are. Nothing would ever change that.”

He leans toward me with his brows raised and a slight pout on his lips. “Promise?”

I hold up my pinky finger and wait patiently for him to link his with mine. When he doesn’t move and just stares at me, I grab his wrist and link my pinky with his. “Pinky promise. Enzo taught me that a promise made with your pinky is binding.”

Zane frowns. “How is it more binding than a regular promise?”

I grin at him. “If the person breaks their promise, you get to cut off their pinky.”

He bites his bottom lip before slowly nodding. “Okay.” He gets up and locks the door before turning back to me.

I quirk a brow at the fact he’s going to lock the door now, but wasn’t planning on it when we were just about to have sex. He stands there awkwardly for a long moment before he reaches down and tugs his shirt off over his head in one quick moment. My breathing hitches when I finally get to see the flat lines of his chest and stomach. It takes me a long moment before I’m even able to focus on the scarring on his side.
