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“Someone might,” Sydney said. “I can’t do that to you. I don’t want to go down a path with you if it’s only going to hurt you in the process.”

“The only thing that could hurt me is if we aren’t together. I don’t care what this could do to my career because there’s no connection between the two. What I do in my own time is no one’s concern but my own. And as far as our parents, I’ve already explained that.”

“They may not like us being together,” Sydney suggested.

“If they don’t, they can go fuck themselves,” I said.

Sydney let out a short laugh. “I can’t actually see you saying that to your father, much less my mother.”

“Certainly not your mother, I love your mother, she’s an incredible woman. She should be, as she raised the most amazing woman I’ve ever met.”

“Then I don’t see you telling her to go fuck herself,” Sydney said.

“No. I would however tell anyone who said I couldn’t be with you that they should mind their own business.”

“Our family is close, we are our family’s business,” Sydney said.

She had me there. Our family was close and it was why I didn’t take getting involved with Sydney lightly. I couldn’t see how she couldn’t see that. I wasn’t doing this for kicks. I was in, all in.

“Which would only give them more reason why they would be happy we were together. My father has been pushing me to settle down for a while now. He would be thrilled that we’re together,” I said.

“He might think you aren’t good enough for me,” Sydney said.

“If he did, he would be right,” I said with a smile.

“It doesn’t matter. We shouldn’t be doing this.”

“All the reasons you gave me don’t hold water. We had a great time last night. We should have more of that. I want to have more of that. I think you do too. Our parents aren’t going to be here for a few more days. Can you give me that time to show you what we can be? I’m not asking for anything more than friendship but I would gladly take more. Can you give me this chance to show you how much fun we can have and that we should give us, this, a chance?”

She looked at me as if she was trying to find some holes in my logic. I could tell she couldn’t find any. Nothing she said made any sense as to why we couldn’t be together. I might want forever with her but I wouldn't ask for it now. For now, I would take the few days. In those days, I would let her see what I saw, how great we were together and that we deserved to give us a chance.

I moved closer to her in the cabana. My hand moved up her thigh and rested just above her junction. She didn’t push my hand away but she didn’t open her legs either. I lifted my head and our eyes locked. I could see she still wanted me.

“What does that mean? What would we do?” she asked and I knew I had her.

I gave her a knowing smile and I had the satisfaction of seeing her blush. “First, we go parasailing.”

Chapter 10


As I pulled away from the dock with Cameron, I was still surprised that he had suggested we go parasailing. I was even more surprised that I had agreed to go with him. It had been years since I gone with my mother. It was the same year that we had met Cameron and his family and one of the last times my mother and I did anything just the two of us.

He looked so sincere when he asked me to go that I couldn’t say no. I knew what he was trying to do. He wanted us to spend time together. He might have implied it was as friends but I knew he was looking for something more. I should have told him no, I should have said I wanted to sit on the beach and read a book, I should have told him there was no reason to start this up again as it was never going to go anywhere.

I didn’t do any of those things, instead, I found myself saying yes and going back to my room to change into my bathing suit and grabbing my stuff. It was reckless and I knew I was going down a dangerous path but I wanted to spend time with him. It didn’t mean that we would sleep together again but I was hoping that we could have a friendship that we could get back to the way we were. The only way to do that was to spend time together.

As soon as I came out of my door, Cameron was waiting for me. He was still wearing the same board shorts but he had changed his shirt and had a backpack over his shoulders. He looked approvingly over my body and gave me a slow smile. It set my heart racing and I could feel myself blushing. His look reminded me of everything we had done the night before and what he wanted to do with me. The look and my reaction to it told me that this day was probably not going to do the way I originally had planned.

“Are you ready?” Cameron asked.

“Yes. I think so. Are you?” I countered.

“I’m about to find out,” he said.

He stepped aside and let me head out of the hallway and the hotel. I could feel him behind me as I walked down the stairs and towards the docks. It was the same dock that Laura and Alison had gone off for their snorkel cruise. I wondered if I would see them and their boat when I was on the water with Cameron.

“Dr. Walker, Miss Sydney, your boat is ready for you,” Pedro, the activities director, said.
