Page 71 of Scandalous Liaison

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Her laugh didn’t surprise me. Neither did the venom in her eyes. She gave me a wry smile before closing the distance. In her tall heels, she was almost able to look eye to eye with her brother, something I could immediately tell he loathed.

She planted a hand on her hip, the stance more like a fighter than the beautiful lady she was. “I suggest you remember whose sperm created the man you’ve become, Steinbeck. Neither you nor dearest Daddy can hide who and what you are from me. I find it laughable that you’re questioning a single one of my choices after all this time and everything you’ve done.”

“You couldn’t understand, sister of mine. You always had your head in the clouds, believing the best in everyone. I can tell nothing has changed.” He kept his hard glare positioned on me, his smirk turning into an award-winning smile. At least he knew how to act the part of the heir to a throne.

I kept the smug look on my face. While the possessive part of me wanted to step in, this wasn’t my place to do so. Yet. From what I’d discovered, Steinbeck was little more than his father’s puppet, dancing to whatever jig allowed him to continue living his life lavishly. Why he was settling down was beyond me.

Except that as with other powerful families, those who were married appeared more stable.

“I do wonder what Ashley thinks about marrying such a deceitful human being.” She laughed when he said nothing. “Perhaps I’ll fill her in with the details. She does deserve to know.” When she started to step away, he grabbed her arm, yanking her back by the few inches.

“I suggest you take your hands off my fiancée, or you won’t like what happens.” By now, her father had stepped into view, standing at the entrance to the festively decorated tasting room.

She laughed, cocking her pretty little head as if she didn’t have a care in the world. “Don’t worry, darling. My brother doesn’t have the guts to go against a real man. That’s why I feel sorry for Ashley.” When she snagged the drink out of his hand, his eyes opened wide, his snarl loud enough their father stormed toward us.

“Stop this now. This is an engagement party!” her father demanded. As with his son, he barely gave his daughter a second glance, concentrating on the man who’d crashed his party.

And who was marrying his daughter.

I leaned against the wall, shoving my hands into my pockets. I couldn’t help but enjoy the show.

Suzannah didn’t budge at first, but I could tell her fingers were white knuckled around the glass. I almost encouraged her to toss the liquid in his face, but even I wasn’t that crass. When she tossed back the entire amount instead, I almost applauded her. My little vixen had sharp claws. I’d need to remember that.

Then she handed her shocked brother his glass, able to break away from him easily. I couldn’t help but notice she was spinning her ring on purpose, drawing attention to the fact we truly were engaged. The overt action wasn’t lost on her father.

“Daddy. What a lovely party you’re thrown for Steinbeck. That’s funny. I don’t remember you offering to pay for a single aspect of my previous wedding. Don’t worry though. You won’t be invited to this one. Meet my fiancé, although I think you know him well. Or perhaps you knew his dead father. But allow me to make introductions. This is Kendrick Gregory.”

A squeal sounded off before either her father or brother could retort, and a young woman raced toward Suzannah, throwing her arms around my fiancée’s neck.

“You’re here. I was so worried you weren’t coming.” The girl was practically giddy with happiness.

“Ashley. Of course I’d come to your wedding. It isn’t every day my oldest brother is getting married. Plus, I have so many things to tell you.”

I waited until the women had left before sauntering toward Mr. Warrington. I could sense Steinbeck had moved behind me.

“You’re not welcome here, Mr. Gregory. This is a private party,” Rutherford said with a smile on his face.

“I’m not leaving. In case you didn’t notice, I was invited by your daughter. That isn’t a crime.”

I shouldn’t have been surprised when Steinbeck took a swing, but I was. Yet my reflexes were well honed. I snapped my hand around his fist, squeezing until a look of pain crossed his face. Then I used it to push him back by several feet, ultimately slamming his back against the wall.

Gasps could be heard coming from the other room. Both guests as well as two different oversized men dressed in all black flanked my side, prepared to toss me out if necessary. When one had the audacity to yank my arm, I let go of Steinbeck quickly, slamming the man in the jaw not once but twice. Then I wrapped my fingers around Steinbeck’s throat, giving him a smile.

“I wouldn’t fuck with him if I were you,” Suzannah said with a purr in her tone.

“Don’t do this. Just stop it. That’s the man I love,” Ashley exclaimed. “This is my engagement party!”

“Then you need to tell your boyfriend that I’m not in the mood to play games,” I told her casually. There was no need to upset her any more than necessary.

“What’s going on? Why are you trying to ruin my wedding?” The girl was close to being hysterical.

“Let him go,” Rutherford hissed. “And don’t touch him. That goes for you as well, Steinbeck.” He eyed me with a mixture of hatred and trepidation.

After taking a deep breath, I backed off, adjusting my jacket as well as pulling the cuffs on my long sleeves.

“There’s nothing to look at, folks. Go back to the party,” Rutherford continued. He planted a smile on his face, turning around and guiding the guests back into the room.

I glanced at Suzannah, giving her a stern look. She wrapped her arm around Ashley’s waist, guiding her into the main room and away from the crowd.
