Page 100 of Vincenzo

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“Nyla, I told you if any contact happens to block him.”

“He has something to tell me.”

“Gianney and Cono are using you.”

“Fine, Vincenzo. Face it. You have no faith in me.” Whirling around to face the wall, Nyla shoved the covers over her body.

Rather than fight with her, I fell into a comfortable sleep, listening to her breathing slowly, as her soft snores poured throughout the room.

Chapter 17


Sleep never really came. My head constantly went over our conversation. So, meeting with Gianney was the only solution to end all Vincenzo’s problems. Cassandra hated to be disturbed from her sleep, but I had to put something in motion.

After tossing my napkin in the trash, I pushed my hair behind my ear, peering around, happy it wasn’t cold or raining today.

“I need your help.”

“What type of favor?”

“I need to meet with Gianney.”

“Nyla, leave it alone.”

“Cass, I’m begging you as my best friend.”

Cassandra was able to meet me at the park after I called early in the morning. On Friday’s, she usually had a lighter workload. I scooped more ice cream in my mouth, watching the runners go through the park.

“Shouldn’t you leave it alone? It could be dangerous, Ny.”

“Gianney messaged me the other day, when we were at lunch.”

“What does he want?”

Shrugging my shoulders. “Not sure, he just wanted to meet to tell me something important.”

“Where are you meeting him?”

“I told him about a café near my apartment.”

“You mean your old apartment,” Cassandra laughed.

I bumped her in the shoulder. “Come on! I won’t take long; we can go to your place.” I grabbed my purse and keys.

She rose from the bench. My guards trailed us a few feet back. Cassandra's face creased into a frown. “If anything crazy happens, then I’m calling the police.”

I got in the car and shut the door. Cassandra dumped her cone in the trash then plopped in next to me.

“Carter, I need to go to Cassandra's apartment to pick something up.”

The look on Carter's face said he didn’t believe me.

“Promise nothing funny going on,” I said, holding up two fingers to show I wasn’t hiding anything.

Carter explained, “We have orders to take you straight form the park to grocery store, ma’am.”

“I know. I want to cook for my husband, but can you just run me quickly to Cassandra’s.”
