Page 108 of Vincenzo

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Taking a gulp of water, I cleared my throat. “Sorry, tell me again.”

My mother’s brows drew together in confusion. “The trip to Greece.”

“I have to see if I can get time off.”

“You own the company,” Rena blurted out.

I frowned. “Rena, your comments aren’t helpful.”

“She’s right,” Sonya joined in on bashing me.

“Rena, Sonya. Leave it alone please.” Nyla defended me, and my eyebrow went up, watching the stare between Rena and Sonya towards me.

“How is business going for you? You’re newly married; I think spending time with your wife is more important.,” Madre complained, giving me more of a headache than the girls.

“Our marriage is fine.”

“Nyla, do you agree?” Madre's face twisted in surprise.

“Adelina, leave it alone. All the boys know the most important thing about a marriage is keeping it between the two people involved,” my father said, backing me up.

“I promise we'll be fine.” Nyla smiled, her facial expression back to normal.

“What about the rest of your family on your mom’s side?” Sonya inquired.

She played with her food. “Sadly, I haven’t kept up with my mom’s side; all my life was spent with the Sartori side.”

Soon as dinner was finished, the guys came down to my man cave for late night drink. Unlocking the cabinet, I poured my finest bourbon, and Pops lit his cigar, taking a seat in the lounge chair.

“Your mother is nosy; you have to forgive her,” my father said.

I lifted a glass, passing one to Savio, then Sante. Ignoring his statement, I went into business mode. “Renato, find out if Gianney’s place is guarded with double security.”

Savio's pinched glare matched my father’s. Learning to keep our disagreements to ourselves is the best way we can move forward, unlike my brothers’ wives. Any problems they had, the girls would involve me in some way and put us at odds. I refuse to make our marriage a topic of discussion at dinner, or alone with the guys.

Sante rose up to refill his glass. I took a seat at the bar next to Renato. “How many guys are you talking?” Sante marched back to the couch.

“At least a dozen. Cono was seen a few times entering and leaving,” Renato explained, displaying the photos on his phone.

“Are you prepared to kill him?”

“Yes, why wouldn’t I be?”

“He’s her uncle; no matter what, it’s going to be hard for her,” Savio recalled. A worried expression flashed over his face.

“She will get over it once we can live peacefully.”

“Not if you're destroying the little family she has left,” Savio mentioned.

I flinched at the thought of her having to deal with the betrayal of her parents.

They made valid points, but it was time to move on from the lies and the corruption of the Sartori family, along with Greco.

“Tomorrow, we meet with Greco’s higher-ups and see if they’ve had contact with Gianney. Afterwards, we take him down.” I chugged my drink. Each one raised a glass in the air, concluding our night and leaving.

I stood at the window, staring out at the silent night in the backyard. When I first built this home, I never wanted a family, and now, seeing the gazebo and the garden of fresh flowers I gladly had installed for Nyla, it spoke to what she’d brought into my life.

After sprinting upstairs, I checked to make sure that the alarm was set. I wanted to get a good rest before tomorrow’s events. It could either be a point of no return for our relationship, or the beginning of better memories after all the pain people had brought into her life.

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