Cruel Prep (Princes of Ravenlake Academy 1)

Ravenlake Prep is hell on earth... and Finn Foster is my personal devil.

I can’t even remember the night “The Incident” happened.
The doctors said I was concussed.
The cops said I was a liar.
My classmates said I was a skank.

All I know is this:
I’m now trapped at Ravenlake Prep with a boy who’s determined to ruin my life…
And I don’t even know why.

Finn Foster is a monster, plain and simple.
Cruel. Rich. Devastatingly handsome.
His family owns this town.
That means he can get away with destroying anything he wants.

Including me.

Because I have dark secrets trapped somewhere in my broken brain.
And Finn will do anything it takes to keep them there.
