Boss from Hell

Author: Georgia Le Carre
Category: Adult | Erotic | Billionaire Romance | Romance
Total pages: 104

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Boss from Hell


There’s no two ways about it. Maximus Frost is devastatingly gorgeous.

There is no other way to describe him, but sex on a stick!

He’s got everything going for him. Ice-gray eyes, chiselled features, strong jawline, lips made for kissing, and the kind of thick glossy hair that makes your fingers itch to run through it.

And let me not get started on his body.

Oh my, dreams are made of this…

But all that doesn’t stop me from wanting to punch his handsome face in.

Grrrrrr…. He makes me so freaking angry, I feel my blood boiling in my veins. The man is impossible. It is as if the horrible man takes an extra special delight in making my life difficult.

To be fair to Maggie, the owner of Angel Recruitment Agency, she did warn me. She said he is such an ogre even her best girls had not lasted a full month.

But the salary was amazing, and I’ve worked with difficult bosses before and been fine. Also, I thought she might be exaggerating a bit, so I decided to go for it.

In fact, I was so stupidly sure I could handle him I ended up taking a bet with her that I would easily last a month.

And now she keeps calling me and gloating as if she’s already won.

I can’t let her win. No matter what, I’m going to stick it out and win my bet.

Then he goes and kisses me… oh, oh… what now?