Page 24 of Faith and Damnation

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When he pulled his sword from the other angel and aimed it at me, it was wet with blood. “You made a mistake coming here today,” he snarled.

“And you fight like you were born to it,” I said, “A Warrior, I presume?”

“My name is Raziel, and I am going to end your reign of terror today.”

I sighed, lowered my sword, and shook my head. “No,” I simply said. “You are not.”

“Ready your blade.”

“You seem like a capable Warrior. I could do with your help.”

“Help? There is no world in which I help you. You are a murderer, a traitor, and a danger to this world.”

“A burning world filled with rodents and insects. But it could be so much more, Raziel—and you could help me realize that vision. Together, think of all the good we could do.”

“There is nogoodin you, and I am done talking.”

Raziel plunged toward me with all the force of a hurricane. Though his sword was large, and he wielded it with both hands, he was still quick with it—far quicker than I would have given him credit for. I had to admire his footwork, also; the way he danced, and weaved, and moved was fluid, and balanced.

My sword was large, like his, but I could use mine just as quickly as he could, and I only needed one of my hands to hold it. Together we clashed, twirling around each other, trying to find openings we could exploit. Again, to his credit, he gave me very few openings. This Warrior was battle-hardened and tested in ways few were.

An entire existence dedicated toward killing thedemonsthat crawled up from Hell. In the centuries following Lucifer’simprisonment there had been many, but in more recent years they were few and far between; many Warriors grew soft, slow, and sluggish. Raziel had clearly continued to hone his skills and, in a moment, had managed to slip the edge of his blade into a slight break in my armor, just below my left arm.

I hadn’t felt the sting of pain like this in some time, and it gave me pause.

Raziel backed up a few steps, steadied himself, and studied the long edge of his weapon. “Mortalafter all… just like the rest of us.” he said.

My jaw tightened. How dare he compare me to that rabble. With a sudden burst of Wrath to guide my movements and empower my arm, I thrust my sword at him, letting it go and turning it into a missile that cut through the Warrior’s armor and impaled him, straight through the abdomen.

I stood over the dying angel, watching the blood slowly pool around him as he reached helplessly toward the blade. I placed my hand on his arm and squeezed it, gently, trying to show him compassion. Mercy. Such a talent should not be let to go to waste.

“Say the words,” I said, “Say the words, and I can heal you. I can bring you back.”

Raziel’s mouth began filling up with blood. The wound was lethal, he would be dead in moments. Still, he turned his eyes up at me, defiance and rage burning through them. “I am ashamed of you,” he hissed through blood-stained teeth.

I shut my eyes and exhaled through my nose.

“Please, let me help you.”

“I am beyond help,” he gargled, “And so are you…”

The light went out of the Warrior’s eyes. I placed my boot on his neck and pulled my bloody sword out of his abdomen.

“Ashamed,” I said, then I shook my head. “No. A shame that you had to die today. I could have used your sword.”

Surveying my surroundings, it had become clear by the quickly dimming noise that the battle was over. My men had instructions to take prisoners, and not kill everyone in their sight—only the first few. The rest were to be hurt but kept alive if at all possible. I knew that by coming here, I was going to lose a few of my number; I would have to replenish the losses by converting some of these angels to my cause.

Some would join me.

Others, though… they were going to serve a different purpose.

I strode up to Barakiel, who had the tip of his sword aimed at the throat of a female. One I recognized. “Once more you find yourself in my hands, Kalmiya,” I said.

Kalmiya spat a glob of blood at the ground by my feet. “Fuck you,” she snarled.

“I admire your spirit, but there is no need for insults or for further bloodshed. In fact, I have a proposition for you and what’s left of your Legion. I suggest you listen carefully.”

