Page 25 of Faith and Damnation

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Ithought I would’ve made my decision by the time I reached the Tyrant’s cell, but I hadn’t. I had been given the authority to release him, but I still wasn’t sure whether I wanted to. I didn’t trust him, and I felt like it was time I told him that. Maybe not exactly in those words, and maybe not quite so directly.

Tact was what I needed. Finesse. If I was going to accept the Tyrant’s offer of help in hunting down Medrion, I needed to know more about him first, because I felt like I didn’t know anything. Honestly, I didn’t. I knew, now, that he had been the Guardian watching over my cell back in Heaven, the Guardian standing by while Medrion abused and tortured me in whatever way he fancied.

The Guardian who had attacked Medrion moments before Heaven burned.

Why this angel had been prophesized to become King of the Ashes, I didn’t know. I also couldn’t see how that path would eventually unfold itself in front of him. That was why I needed more from him, a lot more, and I was going to get it one way or the other. Going after Medrion with the Tyrant at my side meantentrusting my life to him. How was I supposed to do that when I had only just learned his real name?

The angel with me, one of Helena’s guards, opened the door to the dungeons to let me through. I found the Tyrant pacing around in the small box he was being held in. He perked up when he saw me, turned, and fixed me with a cold, hard stare from across the room.

I gestured at the door to the Tyrant’s cell. “Open it,” I said, and the angel dutifully did as I requested.

I didn’t let the Tyrant out, though; instead, I stepped inside.

“What are you doing?” asked the Tyrant.

“Lock the door,” I said to the angel with the keys to the cell, “And wait for me outside. I’ll call for you when I’m done.”

The angel gave me a slight nod before shutting the cell door and locking it. He stepped outside, exiting the dungeons to leave the Tyrant and I alone. I looked up at him, meeting his steely blue eyes and holding onto his gaze, as if in defiance of it.

“You have come back with authority,” he said.

“I have,” I said.

“Is there a reason I’m still in this cell?”

“There are many. Firstly, I don’t trust you.”So much for tact.“And secondly, I know nothing about you.”

And so much for finesse.

“I can understand why the first is an obstacle, but the second? You know my name. You know who I was.”

“All I know about you are your job titles. Guardian, and Tyrant. I don’t know how one plays into the other, I don’t know who you were after you fell, or how you got those.” I nodded at the leathery wings clinging to his back. “A long time ago, you asked me to submit to you, to pledge myself to you and you would give me all that I desired. Do you remember that?”

“Vividly,” he purred.

“I’ve decided to take back my submission and apply some conditions to ourworking arrangement.”

An eyebrow arched. “Working arrangement?”

“You want to find Medrion. I do too. If we’re going to do this together, I need to be able to trust you. For me to trust you, I need to know who you are… which means you’re going to have to open that mouth and start talking.”

“And what would you like me to talk about?”

“I want to know why I should release you. Why you think I should bring you with me when I go out hunting for Medrion.”

“Helena will never let you leave on a mission of vengeance.”

“You’re right, which is why they won’t know.”

“You lied to them? To Helena?”

“I told them as much as I needed to tell them, enough for them to not welcome Medrion in here with open arms should he show up out of the blue. But there’s more I haven’t told them. A lot more.”

His eyes darkened. “What haven’t you told them?”

“You have your secrets, I have mine.”
