Page 63 of Faith and Damnation

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“Fools,” he barked, rounding on Micah and Helena as I tried to recover my stance. Helena slowly backed away, summoning her own Light sword and pulling Micah in behind her. “Why do you insist on thwarting my return to Heaven? Don’t you see what I am trying to do?”

“Don’t say another word,” I snarled, aiming my sword at him. “We’re done listening to your poison, Medrion.”

“Yourdelusions I can understand,” he snapped at me, then he looked at Helena. “But you? You were supposed to be better than the rest of them. You could have been an Archangel; that was God’s plan for you.”

“For what?” she simply asked, “So I could end up like you?”

“My actions are justified.”

“Justified? I don’t have to see the marks of the sinner on your body to know they are there,” she hissed. “I can smell the corruption on you…Medrion, how have you fallen so far?”

“I did not fall; it was Heaven that fell,” he said, his words laced with contempt. “Every single angel that came after us has been weak. Flawed. Broken in some way. They have all forgotten the old ways, forsaken them. We used to be gods ourselves,Helena. We were powerful, noble, and graceful. Kings and Queens who ensured Heaven functioned as it was supposed to.”

“We were never lords. We were supposed to serve, to help others, to guide them; especially those angels who came after us.”

“Perhaps you, but not me. I was not made to serve; I was made to rule. It is myrightto rule.”

“You are delusional… can’t you see it?”

“I have never seen anything more clearly. It is my duty to enter Heaven, for I alone can do what must be done.”

“And what is that?”

“I am going to kill Lucifer.”

“You’re what?!” I snapped.

“Once I kill him, I will absorb his essence and ascend to my rightful place. I will have all of his knowledge and all of his power, and I will restart the Sacred Machinery. Then I will bring us allhome, Helena. Isn’t that what you want?”

Helena was slowly shaking her head. She couldn’t believe she was hearing this, and neither could I.

“You’re insane,” I said. “What happens after? What happens once you take Lucifer’s essence? Are we supposed to serve you?”

Medrion gradually turned his head to look at me, then he angled it to the side. “Sarakiel,” he said, practically exhaling the word. “I am sure I will find a place for you in Heaven. Somewhere warm, and comfortable. Perhaps close to me. Would that not be wonderful?”

Both of my eyebrows arched. “You really aren’t making the convincing argument that you think you’re making.”

“I am not making an argument. I am telling you what is about to happen and giving you a choice.”

“Let me guess. Surrender?”

“Exactly. Lay down your weapons, step aside, give me the cherub, and I will do what I came here to do.”

“Or else you’ll kill us all.”

Medrion’s grip tightened around his blade. “If that is the sacrifice God wants me to make, then I will do as She asks.”

“God?” asked Helena, stunned, “God is dead, Medrion!”

Medrion’s expression darkened. “Dead? No. Who do you think told me how to get back into Heaven? Who do you think told me to find Lucifer and do what must be done? I am Her instrument. The sooner you all understand that, the less painful this will be for all of you.”

“These aredelusions, Medrion!”

The archangel readied his blade. “We will see.”

I stepped in front of Helena, my Light blade held firmly in my hand. “Protect Micah,” I said. “Send yourself to Heaven and take Micah with you if you can.”
