Page 120 of Sinful Secrets

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“You all done? Need any keepsakes?” He asked and I glanced at Vinnie’s body.

“No. But leak it for me. I want the word to spread that Vinnie crossed me and touched one of mine.” I said and he nodded before a few more men came in, covered head to toe in hazmat suits.

“Right. Let’s go. I could eat. I’m fucking starving.” Hamish said as we walked to the car and Riley looked at him.

“You want to eat after that?” He asked as he opened the door for me.

“What? I like to eat. I could probably pass on the bacon for a while though.” He added and we all laughed.

If these men could handle this, then there was no way I was going to let them go.

Fifty two


We walked into Riley’s place, a vegetarian pizza in hand and Katerina rubbed her arms as she looked around.

“Here. Give me that.” Riley said as he took the pizza and put it in the oven to keep it warm.

“I’ll show you where the shower is,” Riley said as he nodded toward me and I took Katerina’s hand, pulling her along.

Watching her tonight was a weird mixture of awe, fascination, and oddly sexy.

It also made me appreciate just a little more why she was in the position she was in and how she got there. And how lucky I was that she never did that to me.

“Towels are here. I don’t know if you will fit, but I have some spare clothes if you want.” He said as he looked at me.

“Thank you, Riley,” Katerina said as she reached to turn on the shower. I glanced at Riley and smiled.

He went to leave, and I grabbed his arm.

“Stay,” I said softly and he frowned then looked at Katerina.

“I have no interest in sword crossing, Riley. But I do think our woman could use some extra hands.” I crooned and he raised an eyebrow at me before he looked back at her.

“Kat…” He said and she shrugged.

“I’m not going to lie, Riley. I’m kind of riding a lot of adrenaline right now and I need to get that energy out somehow.” She said with a quick look at me.

“Though I would have been far more tactful about it.” She said dryly and I rolled my eyes.

“Let’s be real here. It is only a matter of time in this dynamic before we all see each other’s balls and since you have all seen mine, I don’t see why this is a big deal. I’m not going to get on my knees and tickle yours.” I said with a wink at Riley who rolled his eyes.

“If you don’t want to, I’m happy to just have a shower and sit down with something to eat.” She said and I went to protest but she shot me a look and I kept my mouth shut.

I had no intention of eating pizza before I ate her.

“No. I’m down for it.” Riley said and I grinned, slapping him on the back.

“Go, team!” I shouted and they both stared at me.

“Do you take anything seriously?” Katerina asked and I smiled, yanking my top off as I walked toward her.

“Oh yes. I take fucking you very seriously.” I crooned before I kissed her.

She moaned softly and I tugged at her clothes, quickly removing them and chucking them to the side.

“I am going to fuck you so damn hard that you won’t be able to walk straight.” I snarled as I quickly dropped my pants and walked her into the shower.
