Page 128 of Sinful Secrets

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“Kat…” I started and she held up her hand.

“I don’t know right now what is going on in my mind and I’ll be honest, this wasn’t exactly in my plans for right now, even if I didn’t stop any of you.” She said with a wry smile.

“But. I take full responsibility. I never questioned it because honestly, I think a part of me was okay with it happening and Ididn’t think it would be so quick. It never is and my cycles are so irregular, it is hard for me to…” Hamish stopped her with a kiss.

“Stop talking, Love. You don’t have to take full responsibility because we are all consenting adults in this situation and we all made the choices we did. Now, Riley, for the love of all things holy, tell me what it says.” He said as he pulled her into his arms, staring at me with so much intensity that I kind of wanted to throw the stick at his head and run.

I took a deep breath and flipped it over, looking down at two lines.

“Two lines. Does that mean it’s positive?” I asked and Hamish let out a whoop and a laugh.

“See? I told you! You were made just for us, Love. Your body couldn’t help itself but take our seed and turn it into life.” He said as he lifted her up.

“Please don’t ever say seed again,” I muttered as he spun her around and then kissed her.

“Holy shit. So that means… Fuck. How are we going to tell Alexsei and Leo?” I asked as Katerina’s phone rang.

“It’s Mikhail.” She said as Hamish put her down.

Hamish slapped me on the shoulder as he stared down at the test still in my hands.

“Parents. What a weird fucking family this is going to be.” He said with a grin and I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Yeah,” I said, feeling dazed.

“I fucking knew those luscious breasts looked fuller.” He murmured and I rolled my eyes as Katerina turned to us with a grim expression.

“We need to go. Mikhail had to move Victor. Alexsei got a message to him. Konstantin knew where he was being held and was waiting for us.” She said and my stomach sank.

“Kat, cant this be forgotten now? Do we really need Victor?” I asked and she glared at me.

“Yes. Just because I am pregnant…” She paused, obviously letting that one sink in. “doesn’t change who I am and why we need to do this. Grab your things. We are going now.” She said and I sighed.

I guess back to mafia life it was then.

“Mikhail. You’re here alone?” Katerina asked as we approached the worn-down door of an old warehouse.

“Yeah. We didn’t know if we could trust any of the men, we had with us, so I moved him on my own. Gabe and Tol are with Rosslyn, she is close to her due date and had a few issues, so they are monitoring her.” He said with a smile, and I felt bad for him.

“Don’t look at me like that. She is fine and its safer here than it is around her at the moment. She was ready to take Gabe’s head when I left.” He said with a grin and Katerina chuckled.

“I always did like her.” She said before we went inside.

The building was empty, the lighting mostly gone, and smelt damp. A man was chained in the middle of the room, his head slumped over as he dangled on the weight of his arms.

“He should be nice and soft for you,” Mikhail said quietly and Katerina nodded, switching into that version of herself that kind of terrified me and yet fascinated me.

“Victor! How lovely to see you.” Katerina crooned as she slapped his cheek.

He woke with a start, his eyes wild as he looked around then went white when he saw her.

“Katerina…” He started and she sighed.

“Victor. We don’t have a whole lot of time. Are we going to do this the easy way or the hard way?” She asked and he licked his lips, frowning.

“Easy?” He said with confusion, and she pats his check.

“Good boy. I’m going to ask you some questions and you are going to answer. Any time you don’t I’m going to cut off a piece of your body.” She said with such calmness that it unnerved me.

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