Page 22 of Sinful Secrets

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“Yeah. I had wondered where you were. No one gives me quite as much challenge these days.” I said and he grinned.

“I’ve been busy. I’m pretty sure if I stepped foot in the ring again, Elsie would have my balls.” He said with a grin and Benjamin snorted from his spot on the couch.

“The Mrs. doesn’t like the bloodshed?” I asked and Alfie shook his head.

“Nah, she can handle it. But she doesn’t like the idea of me being hurt and since me getting hurt upsets her and that upsets Connor who upsets us all, it isn’t worth it.” He said with a chuckle, and I glanced at Benjamin who had a slight smile on his face.

“Connor is…” I asked and Alfie sighed.

“Connor is the pain in everyone’s ass in our house. But we love him anyway.” He muttered and Katerina sat on the edge of the couch, looking at me with amusement.

“They are in a poly relationship. Elsie is their wife.” She said and Benjamin glanced at Katerina before the door opened again and three men and a tiny woman heavily pregnant walked into the room.

“Tol, I can’t see. Get out of my way.” The woman mumbled as the men came to a stop, eyes full of so much anger as they stared at Katerina that I flinched.

I don’t know how she managed to sit there looking so calm as the three men stared her down, the woman pushing her way through the center of them with a huff.

“Zaika…” The biggest of them said, his voice soft but full of warning and the woman rolled her eyes, rubbing the swell of her belly.

“She is here for help, not to kill us. If she pisses me off, I have enough hormonal rage at the three of you that I can direct it onto her, now move.” She said and they sighed, stepping aside so she could walk past them.

She mumbled something under her breath and one of the men grabbed her arm, whispering in her ear until she blushed.

“Gabriel!” She said, slapping him on the chest before she sat down next to Benjamin, looking at Katerina with interest.

“So what do you want?” she asked and Katerina smiled.

“Hello, Rosslyn. Always nice to see you. I need help with flushing out the last of Ivan’s loyalists. Victor has aligned with Alexsei and now I don’t know which of my men are loyal to him or willing to follow me. I need to access Victor’s files to get Ivan’s will so I can see who the assets were split between in order to figure out who else might be working with them.” Katerina said and the man called Gabriel took a step forward, the grin on his face completely unhinged.

I moved toward Katerina, the other two men’s eyes following me.

“Why should we help you after everything you did?” Gabriel asked and I wondered what their past was.

The bad blood was clear between them all, but it was the woman who held my interest the most. Rosslyn watched Katerina like a hawk, seeing things that no one else did.

“She’s scared.” Rosslyn said softly and Katerina raised an eyebrow at her.

“The mighty Katerina Volkova is afraid?” Gabriel sneered and Katerina sighed.

“You should be too. You worked with Alexsei; you understand what he is like.” She said as she looked at each of them in turn.

“If Alexsei's father takes control of the Bratva, that would mean a war for everyone. His only interest is in expanding the Bratva empire and controlling every other family, he is ruthless.” She continued and the biggest of the men sighed.

“You know this to be true, Gabe. You saw the things Alexsei did for his father. There was a reason we never worked with him.” He glanced at the man in the middle and Katerina nodded.

“We’ll help you, only because it’s too dangerous not to. I can access Victor’s files if you can get me access to his computer.” He said.

“Thank you, Mikhail.” Katerina said before she looked at Benjamin.

“Will the Madden family be assisting as well?” She asked and Benjamin shrugged.

“If it is required. Tell me, do you even want the throne?” He asked and I saw the shock on everyone’s face, including Katerina’s.

“No one has ever asked me that before.” She smiled, taking a sip of the scotch.

“In the beginning, I never really wanted any of this world but since my godfather didn’t have a son, he raised me to be the ambitious, cutthroat heir he desired. Then I fell in love and dreamed of a better world, a better life.” She glanced at the largest of the men and I noticed the way his jaw tensed.

Who was he and why was he affected by Katerina saying that? Was he an old lover?

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