Page 29 of Sinful Secrets

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I’m done for.

There is nothing that could make me walk away from this woman.


If she killed a man right now, I’d help her bury the body and then take the fall for it.

“Riley. Stop. You don’t have to do that. I’ll have some cleaners come in tomorrow.” She said, snapping me out of my daze.

“It’s fine. I don’t want you to step on any glass.” I said as she made her way over to me.

I put the broom aside and met her halfway, stopping her from getting closer to the glass.

“I’m sorry about before. It was the adrenaline; I tend to get a little out of my head when I am riding a high.” She whispered, looking away from me as I stood in front of her.

I put my finger under her chin, tilting her head up until she looked at me.

“Kat, don’t apologize for that. Never apologize for kissing me. I want you to kiss me all day, every day for as long as I live.” I said before I brushed my lips over hers.

Her breath hitched and when I pulled back, her eyes were hooded, and she licked her lips.

“I don’t think this is a good idea.” She said and I sighed.

“Really? Because I can’t see why it is a bad one. So, you have a more interesting job. That doesn’t change how I feel about you, Kat. I want to understand you and your world better, but I won’t keep accepting that as your excuse for pushing me away. You either want to try this with me or not.” I said firmly and watched the emotions war in her eyes.

“And let me tell you now, even if you tell me to go, that you don’t want this, the only way you will stop me from continuing to ask you to give me a shot will be with a bullet,” I added and she smirked.

“A little bold for you knowing what you do about me now, don’t you think?” She said and I shrugged.

“Just because I know you could follow through on the threat doesn’t make me worried. I’m not as sweet and innocent as you think I am, and you would know that if you gave me a chance.” I watched her as she searched my face.

“This is a conversation I would like to have in more clothes. Come on. Bring the vodka with you.” She said as she turned around, pointing at the bottle in the kitchen.

“I disagree. I like seeing you in my jacket. I would love it even more if it was only my jacket.” I said with a growl, and she looked at me over her shoulder, flashing a wicked grin.

“How about you discover the real me and my world first before you go promising me good times.” She said with a wink before walking down the hallway.

I grabbed the bottle of vodka and followed her, glad that my life finally seemed to be going the way I wanted even if it did have a few twists.

But Katerina wasn’t the only one hiding secrets, and I just hoped she wouldn’t run from me when she discovered mine.



Iwas going to do this. I was going to let Riley in, even if it was just a little bit.

Could I trust him? I was terrified but Liam had swayed me.

Desperate love. I understood that feeling, I had felt that way with Yuri and I never thought I would feel it again.

I wasn’t sure how I felt about Riley yet, but I was willing to at least let him in but before I could do that, he had to understand everything.

“I’m sorry I broke your front door. I’ve locked the screen since the wooden one won’t shut.” Riley called from the other side of the door as I changed.

I still had his jacket on, and his cologne was addicting. The citrus notes made me feel alive and the underlying woody scent was doing things to my libido that I didn’t want to acknowledge right now.

But the biggest comfort was the sweet smell of sugar that seemed to cling to him from all the hours he spent in the kitchen.
