Page 9 of Sinful Secrets

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“I need another coffee. I spilled mine after only two sips.” I added and he narrowed his eyes before he went to the coffee machine.

“You going to tell me what shattered your windscreen or is this another one of those work moments that you will avoid talking about like it is the plague.” The sarcasm dripping in his voice was enough to make Leo chuckle.

“You know me, Riley. I don’t talk about my work.” I said with a smile but the glare he gave me as he handed me another coffee made me feel guilty.

“I know.” I reached for the coffee, and he grabbed my wrist, startling me. Riley never touched me and the look in his eyes was dark.

“One of these days you are going to tell me everything, Katerina, because I am tired of you knowing all about my life butknowing nothing about yours. I can be patient but know that I always get what I want.” He crooned and I swallowed.

His thumb brushed over my arm in the barest caress before he let me go. Where was the lighthearted joker that I had known all these years?

“Thank you for the coffee,” I said, knowing better than to try and pay. He nodded once, those dark eyes landing on Leo once more before he turned away.

“Where do you want a lift to?” Leo asked and I sighed. I needed to change, and I had to sort out my car.

“Home, please. Thank you for today. Send me your details and I’ll transfer the money.” I added before getting back into the car.

We drove in silence as I went through the mental list of who Alexsei worked closely with.

When Leo pulled up out the front of my place, I saw the interest in his eyes.

“Thanks again. Sorry for the gunfight. If you don’t want me to come in for the training session, I understand.” I said as I opened the door.

“I will see you at your next session. You clearly need all the help you can get.” He said before I closed the door.

He wasn’t what I expected and that was never a good thing.

Was he someone I could trust?

Only time will tell.

“You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, Rina.” Yuri touched my cheek as he handed me the single rose.

“You make my life worth living.” He said before he kissed me. My world narrowed to the feeling of his lips on mine, the tender way he cradled my face.

I opened my eyes to look at him and screamed in horror as I watched the blood drip from his forehead.

“YURI! Don’t leave me!” I shouted as he faded away, a smile on his face.

“I love you, Rina.” He whispered.


I jolted upright in the bed, sweat soaking my tank top as I screamed Yuri’s name. I glanced at the clock and groaned.

Barely six in the morning. Pushing the covers back I walked into the bathroom and washed my face with cold water, the dream still clinging to me.

Fucking Yuri.

He had been the love of my life. My perfect match in every way.

“Why did you have to go and get yourself killed,” I muttered to the air as if he could hear me.

“I would have helped you if you just told me you were in trouble you asshole,” I said with a bitter laugh.

“You took my heart with you,” I whispered, glancing towards the single photo I had on my nightstand with both of us together.

The sound of a motorcycle revving pulled me from my thoughts and I angrily wiped away my tears.
