Page 95 of Sinful Secrets

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“Well, well, Princess. The truth finally comes out. Winning is what I do for a living. I have never lost a case and you my beautiful little spitfire, are going to beg me to fuck you in theend.” He said with a wink before he saluted us and went outside with his phone.

“I like him. I am surprised he is not the one leading his little motorcycle club.” Alexsei said and I raised my eyebrow at him.

“Little motorcycle club? You realize that Satan’s Serpents are one of the biggest, most prolific, and violent clubs out there, right?” I said and Alexsei shrugged.

“They ride on bikes. I can’t take a man seriously when they ride on bikes.” He said before he walked over, gripped Katerina’s hair, and tugged until she was looking up at him, the fire in both their eyes was enough to light my own, and the kiss… well, that kiss had me wondering what those two were like together.

“Kitten. Sit down.” Riley said when Alexsei let her go. She turned those violent eyes on him, and he just stared at her calmly.

She eventually relented, sitting down with a mumble of something under her breath.

“What was that?” He said with a raised eyebrow, and she shook her head.

“Nothing, Riley.” She said with a sweet smile, and he narrowed his eyes.

“Don’t take your anger out on me because you and Hamish have some weird competition to see who will give in first. I have a gift for you.” He said and her eyes widened.

“Sorry, Riley. You’re right.” She said with a soft smile, and he nodded then kissed her cheek, whispering something in her ear that made her blush before he presented the coffee to her.

“Oh my god.” She said with a moan as she sipped the liquid gold.

Riley gave her a silent stare that held enough weight that even I shifted on my feet. Watching him explore this dynamic with Katerina was fascinating, his energy seemed so soft and gentle,and yet when he slipped into this side, there was a quiet strength that surprised me.

“Oh, my Riley.” She said with a smile, and he leaned over, gently cupping her face, and whispered loud enough for all of us to hear.

“Good girl.” She blushed and bit her lip before returning to the coffee.

I met Alexsei’s stare, seeing the same fascination in his eyes as I knew were in my own.

I jumped when my phone rang in my hand, everyone looking at me.

I frowned at the number, my stomach sinking. I will just ignore it.

“Aren’t you going to answer it?” Riley said and I shook my head, tossing it down onto the couch.

“No,” I replied, breathing a sigh of relief as it stopped.

“What if it was important?” Katerina said warily and I eyed her.

“It’s not.” I started when it rang again.

“Leo. What are you hiding?” Katerina said as she stood, the look in her eyes no longer soft and sweet but full of anger.

“Nothing,” I said as Alexsei appeared from nowhere and snatched my phone.

“Fuck, man. Give it back. It’s not important.” I said and he frowned giving it to her.

“Why is Tamika calling you so much?” She asked before she pressed answer.

“Hello, Tamika.” She purred and I swore softly.

“Why are you calling Leo so much?” I watched her expression as her eyes met mine.

“Is that so? I suppose Leo has a lot to tell me then. Don’t call again.” She said before she hung up.

“So when were you going to tell me that the woman who works with you, the woman you fucked in the past is also your business partner and someone you owe money to?”

Thirty eight
