Page 37 of Forbidden Fruit

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"Okay, don't judge, but some retail therapy just seemed necessary today," she explained with an impish grin.

I rolled my eyes in mock exasperation. "Should have known. You always did love an excuse to hit the shops." But I had to admit, getting out did feel good after being cooped up fretting all night.

Ashley dragged me gleefully store-to-store, ooing and ahhing over shoes and accessories. Despite my lingering anxiety, I couldn't help but get caught up in her enthusiasm. And laughing together so freely felt cathartic after the smothering tension of recent weeks.

At a table of colorful scarves, Ashley suddenly gasped dramatically and snatched up a purple paisley one. "This is so you!" she exclaimed, immediately tossing it around my neck.

I checked my reflection in a nearby mirror, adjusting the scarf. It did look rather fetching with my complexion and chestnut hair. The girl staring back at me appeared so bright and carefree.

Ashley hugged me from behind, meeting my eyes in our shared reflection. "It's like it was made for you, Nat." Her smile was soft, understanding. "You deserve pretty things just because they make you feel good."

My throat tightened unexpectedly at her simple words. I wasn't used to indulging in frivolity for myself. But Ashley was right - especially now, I needed the bright spots of joy where I could find them.

Impulsively, I hugged the paisley scarf to myself. "I'm getting it," I announced boldly. Ashley cheered, making me laugh.

By the time we left the last shop laden with our purchases, I did feel lighter. There was still fear and uncertainty lurking beneath the surface, but I could better breathe through it now. This is what true friends did - uplifted each other even during darkness.

On the drive home, the setting sun bathed the neighborhood in rich hues of orange and pink. I gazed out appreciatively at the vibrant houses rolling by.

Ashley followed my line of sight, a nostalgic smile playing about her lips. "Remember how we used to bike around these neighborhoods as kids, dreaming up our perfect future houses?"

The memory flooded back suddenly - two pigtailed girls lazily pedaling down sun-baked sidewalks, chattering about their idealmansions filled with puppies and ice cream. It seemed so long ago and far away now.

"I can't believe you still recall that," I said wonderingly.

Ashley shot me a look. "Are you kidding? Those were some of the best days." Her voice softened with emotion. "Back before everything got..."

"Complicated," I finished quietly. Ashley and I had both lost a great deal of innocence over the years. I felt a pang for those carefree young girls.

Ashley was quiet for a moment before responding. "But not everything has to stay complicated, you know? We can still ride bikes and share dreams."

She placed her hand over mine. "I know the future feels scary and uncertain right now. But I'm still here to dream big with you, whenever you need it. Don't forget that."

Tears unexpectedly blurred my vision at her heartfelt words. No matter how dark and tangled my path became, Ashley would walk beside me.

When we got back inside, I hurried to check for any missed calls or messages. But there was still no word from Leonardo.The brightness of our shopping excursion faded slightly, worry creeping back in.

Sensing the shift in my mood, Ashley gave my shoulder a comforting squeeze. "Why don't you clean up while I figure out some dinner options? Take your mind off things for a little longer."

Though my spirit was anxious to hear from Leonardo, I nodded appreciatively at her suggestion. "Probably a good idea. The distraction strategy has worked pretty well so far," I admitted with a small, wry smile.

Ashley looked relieved that I wasn't spiraling into panic again. "Told you I know what I'm doing," she said with a playful grin. But behind her light, joking tone, I could see the very real concern for my wellbeing.

After indulging in a long, hot shower, I did feel more centered. I took my time working product through my chestnut waves until they shone glossy and smooth. Watching my reflection, some of my natural vibrancy seemed to have returned to my eyes.

By the time I made my way downstairs, Ashley had set out takeout containers full of fragrant Chinese food. My stomach rumbled, surprising me. Truthfully, I hadn't even realized how hungry I was until now.

Ashley noticed my reaction and laughed. "Go ahead and dig in! Knew you must be starving even if you didn't."

Over sesame chicken and potstickers, we chatted more lightly about plans for the ski trip and holidays coming up. The future felt less daunting envisioning fun times together. For now, normalcy was a welcome escape.

After we had eaten our fill, Ashley fixed us mugs of chamomile tea. The earthy aroma instantly evoked a sense of calm. I took a sip of the steaming liquid, letting its warmth infuse my spirit. Something about this cozy scene felt healing.

Curled up together on the couch sipping tea and chatting, I was struck by how lucky I was to have a friend like Ashley. With her compassion and playfulness, she had gently guided me through one of the darkest days of my life so far.

When I told her as much, she just squeezed my hand and insisted, "You'd do all this and more for me. That's what best friends are for."

Though I still longed anxiously for answers from Leonardo, Ashley had eased much of the panicked desperation I'd felt last night. She reminded me there was still light and laughter to be found, even in darkness. And that was everything.
