Page 5 of Forbidden Fruit

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I tilted my chin up defiantly. "So are you, Leonardo Delacruz."

A smile ghosted across his lips. Then his mouth descended on mine in a deep kiss that stole my breath. I melted into him, kissing him back fervently under the stars, tossed by waves of dizzying sensation I'd never experienced before.

When we finally broke for air, Leonardo kept me caged in his arms against the railing. He nuzzled my neck, nipping lightly at my skin in a way that made me gasp.

"I think I'm going to enjoy getting to know you much better," he whispered hotly in my ear. Dangerous words, but I embraced them and the tempestuous attraction between us.

Leonardo's body pressed mine back against the hidden alley wall as his mouth devoured me in feverish kisses. My hands roamed urgently across his broad shoulders, needing him impossibly closer. We were lost in each other, the rest of the world fading away.

Leonardo's lips felt so good against mine, he kept pushing the kisses deeper eliciting soft gasps from me. "You're so beautiful, Natalia," he murmured against my flushed skin.

I carded my fingers through his thick hair, anchoring him there as pleasure overwhelmed my senses. We both knew this was reckless, dangerous. And yet neither of us could stop.

Just as Leonardo's hand slipped beneath the hem of my dress, a shouted voice jerked us back to reality.

"Natalia! Where the hell are you?"

I froze at the sound of my brother Enzo's aggravated yelling. Leonardo lifted his head, eyes wide. We stared at each other panicked for a heartbeat before I impulsively shoved Leonardo farther into the shadows just as Enzo appeared at the alley entrance.

"There you are! I've been looking everywhere for you," Enzo huffed, grabbing my wrist and pulling me away. "You can't just wander off, you know that."

I glanced back over my shoulder, but Leonardo had vanished from sight. My lips still burned from his kisses and my heart ached. I already missed him.

Enzo continued scolding me as he dragged me inside. "Father would kill me if anything happened to his precious daughter out here..."

His words trailed off as understanding flickered in his eyes. "Wait...were you out here with someone?"

When I didn't answer, Enzo growled, "Who was it, Natalia?"

My silence told him enough. I saw the fire ignite behind his eyes. "You know if any man lays a hand on my sister without permission, he's a dead man."

Though Enzo didn't know it yet, I realized in dawning horror that he'd just pronounced a death sentence on Leonardo without even meaning to.

Enzo dragged me back inside, lecturing me the whole time about how I couldn't just disappear and worry him like that. I nodded along, feigning contrition, while my thoughts stayed back in that moonlit alley with Leonardo.

The feel of his strong hands, his soft lips claiming had awakened something in me I'd never experienced before. A yearning that went soul-deep.

I knew Enzo and my father would never allow me to be with Leonardo Delacruz. But I was tired of being the obedientdaughter, going along with their plans for my life. I wanted danger and passion and adventure - all the things Leonardo represented.

Perhaps it was reckless to indulge this forbidden desire. But the more I tried to resist thoughts of Leonardo, the more I hoped he wouldn't stay away. I needed to see him again, no matter the cost.

As I lay awake that night replaying our encounter, I made a decision - one that would upend my sheltered existence entirely. I was going to find a way for us to be together again, even if I had to break every mafia code and family rule to do it.

Leonardo was my chance at freedom. And I would seize that chance, come hell or high water.



Leonardo's POV:

I peered through the scope of my sniper rifle, tracking the perimeter of the rival family's warehouse. Just waiting for my target to appear in the crosshairs. My finger rested lightly near the trigger, ready to squeeze off a silent, deadly shot.

Most made men focused intently on the mission at times like these. But my mind kept wandering, replaying stolen moments from the night before - hazy memories of soft lips, silky skin under my fingertips, the intoxicating taste and scent of her...


I shouldn't be thinking about the Moretti princess now. I had a job to do, a family reputation to uphold. Taking out this capo would send a message that the Delacruz clan was still strong. Prove I was as ruthless as my mafia bloodline demanded.
