Page 81 of Forbidden Fruit

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Leonardo caught me ogling and his lips curved smugly. "See something you like, princess?"

I swatted his chest without any force. "Oh hush. You know you're ridiculously attractive. Now get up and make yourself presentable before I change my mind about leaving this bed today."

With a playful growl, Leonardo suddenly rolled us until I was pinned beneath him, my wrists held gently but firmly over my head. "Who said anything about you leaving, my captive princess?" he taunted, eyes smoldering deliciously.

My breath caught at the dominance in his gaze, the protective cage of his body over mine. But I was never one to surrenderwithout a fight. Bucking sharply, I managed to twist out of Leonardo's grip and shove him onto his back again instead, straddling his waist victoriously.

"Ha! Gotcha," I proclaimed, ignoring the way Leonardo's hands gripped my hips, his eyes gone molten and hungry at our position.

"Mm, you sure did," he purred, voice gravelly. "So what happens now?"

Heat stormed through me at the desire in his voice. I leaned down slowly until our noses touched, strands of hair falling like a curtain around us. "Now, my strong conqueror admits defeat," I whispered against his lips.

Leonardo groaned softly in surrender. The sound sent delicious sparks dancing across my skin. I gave him one last lingering kiss, and then slipped out of bed before the sweet torture could continue.

"Come on, time to face the music," I said breezily, pulling on a robe. I could feel Leonardo's scorching gaze following me hungrily. But to his credit, he rose without further complaint, the enticing view of his bare muscled back making me shiver.

Once we were cleaned up and presentable, I led the way downstairs, butterflies swirling anxiously. But the grand foyerwas empty. In the dining room too, no sign of my father or guards who would surely have combusted seeing Leonardo here.

"Where is everyone?" I murmured.

Leonardo tensed, immediately sliding into vigilant bodyguard mode. "You're sure your father didn't have any travel planned for today?"

At my confused head shake, he scanned our surroundings warily. "I don't like this. Wait here while I sweep the perimeter."

Before I could argue, Leonardo pressed a firm kiss to my forehead and disappeared down the hallway, hand hovering near his ever-present concealed weapon. Despite his show of confidence, I could tell Leonardo was unnerved by the mansion's weird emptiness too.

I paced anxiously until he returned several minutes later, looking perplexed. "No sign of struggle or intruders that I can see," he reported.

"So they all just...left? Without saying anything?" None of this made any sense. Unease prickled over my skin at the implication - something dire must have happened to make my family vanish so abruptly.

Sensing my rising panic, Leonardo quickly pulled me into his arms. "Hey, I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation," he soothed. "Let's just stay calm until we know more."

I nodded against his chest, willing my frantic thoughts to settle. Leonardo was right - jumping to worst case scenarios wouldn't help anything. Still, I couldn't shake the instinctive dread that this sudden disappearance spelled coming chaos.

Forcing a deep breath, I met Leonardo's steady gaze again. "Okay. I'll try messaging Enzo again."

But my texts went unanswered, ratcheting up the anxiety further. After what felt like endless tense minutes, Leonardo's phone suddenly rang loudly, making us both jump. He checked the ID and answered tersely.

I studied his taut expression closely as he spoke in short clipped sentences, looking more grim by the second. My nails dug half-moons into my palms anxiously awaiting an explanation.

I sank onto the couch, emotions churning wildly. My father had abandoned our family home on the brink of catastrophe, leaving me behind? It made no sense.

A chilling thought hit me suddenly. "Do you think he knows about us?" I whispered. "Is this punishment for being with you?"

"Maybe," Leonardo conceded after a pause. "Perhaps it's best if I go, avoid provoking him further." He looked torn at the notion of leaving me unprotected.

Despite the sick feeling in my gut, I grasped Leonardo's hands urgently before he could pull away. "No, please. I know you just risked so much coming here. But I need you now more than ever." My voice cracked slightly. "Don't leave me to face this alone."

Leonardo's expression softened. He touched my cheek tenderly. "Never, my love. I won't leave your side again unless you command it." His fervent vow sent relief pouring through me. We would confront whatever fresh chaos my father had abandoned me to handle together.

Sitting beside Leonardo on the couch, I rested my head wearily on his shoulder seeking comfort as we both tried processing this new unsettling mystery. But beneath the confusion and hurt still simmered a trickle of indignation.

"I'm so tired of being treated like a fragile doll to be coddled or cast aside," I admitted quietly. Leonardo's arm tightened around me reassuringly.

"You're stronger than any of them know," he agreed. "Though hopefully your father realizes that too someday."

I sighed, taking solace for now in Leonardo's steadfast presence. "Well, since he's not here to yell at you properly, maybe now's the time for you to ask him for approval to court me," I joked bleakly.
