Page 77 of Angel's Kiss

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He steps out and walks around to help Jen get the little baby out, they then walk around to stand in front of the Mercedes. Jen is holding a sleeping little boy with pale blond hair.

“I'm unarmed, I left my gun in the car.” He slowly turns and lifts his shirt, showing us. “My name is Anthony Sullivan, I'm a CIA agent. Someone is trying to burn me. I need you to protect Jennifer for me, please. I took care of Bradley so he wouldn't go after your mom and her guard. I also got Rebekah and her daughter out of danger for the big guy.” He nods to Duncan. “Jennifer said I could trust you. I know you work with her ex, but I need her and Tommy protected, they're my family.”

Just then a roar comes from the house, and Ian barrels toward us. Everyone is yelling across the comm, trying to stop him. He's on Anthony before any of us can stop him. I knew I should've told the team my suspicions.

Duncan is trying to jump in and pull him off. Jennifer is yelling, and the little boy wakes up and starts crying. Chaos has taken over, both men are openly fighting and throwing threats, just then a bullet hits the gravel between the two men. They stop fighting, and Ian swings a look up to Maya.

“Thank you, Maya,” I say.

“Damn it, Ian, he's my brother, just stop. You're the one who left me. Why would you care? I've been trying to ask you for help for months now.” Jen yells at him, and she tries to calm the little boy.

“I left you? I was in the military, I was deployed. I had to go. You served me with divorce papers through my chain of command because you were afraid of me. Accused me of being abusive and controlling,” Ian yells back, his voice full of the anger and pain he's kept hidden since she left him.

“Listen, you son of a bitch, stop yelling at my sister, or I'll cut you up in front of all these people,” Anthony threatens as he reaches down to his boot.

“I'll have my sniper take you out before you touch him. Now stop it, both of you,” I say calmly.

“You never wrote or called me so I could explain. I left you so many messages. And I never sent you divorce papers. I told you my father was crazy and controlling,” Jen cries, and Anthony puts an arm around her.

“What? Yes, I wrote you. I called your cell, your father's house, and every hospital in California looking for you. I saw the divorce papers with your name on them, I signed them,” Ian says defeated.

“Please don't lie to me. Tony is my brother. He's been keeping Tommy and me safe for a while now. He helped me change my name and my appearance.”

I'm watching this little drama unfold as I look at the little boy in her arms. There's something about him that looks familiar. He’s looking around taking everything in. When his eyes land on Anthony, he reaches for him.

“Unc,” he says in a baby voice.

Anthony reaches for the boy and holds him close.

“Hey, Tommy boy, how is Uncle's little man?”

The little boy starts babbling and swinging his arms around. He looks over to Ian and smiles, then lays his head down on Anthony's shoulder. Jen visibly stiffens, and Anthony looks at Ian with pure hatred.

“Come on, let's discuss this in the house. I need to get Angel out of the safe room before she kicks me out of our bed for the rest of my life.” I turn and walk into the house and straight to the safe room. When the door opens, I find a pissed off Ana and my daughter in her arms. “Angel, I told you I'd do anything to protect you.” I smile and walk to her, hoping she'll forgive me.

“Joshua, if you ever do that again without telling me what you're doing, I'll definitely learn to use that knife Raul gave me and cut off your favorite appendage,” she says with fire in her eyes, and it turns me on. From behind me, I hear Duncan and Timothy laughing.

“Shut it, ya bloody wankers,” I say, a mix of my Southern and English coming out because of my mood.

“I see my daughter has her mum's fire,” James interjects. He and Greg try to hold back their laughter.

I lead my girls into the foyer where my mum starts fawning over my daughter and Ana. I'm watching Jen and her brother walk into the house as my mum bursts into tears.

“Mum, what's the matter?”

“I never thought this day would come. Look at how beautiful and perfect she is.”

“Come on, everyone, let's go into the sitting room. Maya, Derek, check the perimeter and then meet us in the parlor.”

Everyone enters the sitting room with Ana leading the group, my mum has Bella in her arms.

“She's so tiny. Michael, look at her. Did you ever think this day would come?” He's smiling at her.

“You should have seen her when she was born two weeks ago, she was smaller,” I tell her.

“I bet, do you have pictures?”

“Yes, lots of them. Maya and Duncan took pictures every hour while Ana was unconscious. After that, we just took them to prove she was getting bigger. Ana even sketched a picture of her yesterday.”
