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“Hey,” he grumbled and dropped some kindling on the smoldering embers. The tiny elemental beings squeaked in fright, jumped up, and hopped about looking for danger. Upon seeing it was him, one shook its tiny flame fist. He put another log on. Sparks flew through the stone chimney. “Do your Well-damned job and I wouldn’t have to now, would I.”

Realizing they couldn’t add the wood themselves, he gave a self-disparaging shake of his head. He ignored the squeaking tirade and settled back for another nap. Sleep was good. He detested being on the road for so long. It was just another reason he needed to find the full prophecy. Fixing the taint was surely rooted in Crimson’s history.

More entries in his journal pointed to Maebh’s obsession with old-world folklore. And if she’d found the way to summon the Sluagh from one of these books, perhaps the secret of unmaking her was also in one. It was unlikely she’d simply let him walk into her private chambers to scour her collection.

Nova’s moan jackknifed him up. Adrenaline shot into his system. Wiping his face, he crossed the small suite. A moonbeam filtered through the window, landing on her sweaty face. Her bedding and clothes were drenched as though she’d slept in the rain. He tested the temperature of her forehead and found it burning.

“Jace?” she mumbled.

He opened his mouth to deny it but didn’t want to add to the agony crumpling her face.

“Yes,” he whispered, lowering to her level. “I’m here.”

A sob tore out of her lips. Leaf flinched as fluid leaked from her eyes and nose. He should probably get her something to wipe it. Humans leaked a lot more than fae.

But when he moved, Nova clutched his hand, holding it to her heart. “Thank God it’s you,” she croaked. “I had the worst dream. Niles ruinedeverything. The world was dead. And you were mean—somean to me.”

Her eyes squeezed shut, and more fluids leaked. Leaf didn’t know what to do. He was at a loss for words. But the time for respecting Aleksandra’s ceremony was long past. Surely she would understand if he interrupted her for this.

He pulled away, but Nova refused to let go. “Don’t leave me again.”

Again? His brows lowered.

“I won’t.” He held the tea to her lips. “Drink”

“Don’t want to.” She averted her face.

Leaf’s lips flattened. He tugged free from her hold, found a towel, and wiped her face, then held her jaw and pressed the cup to her lips. “You must drink. It will help you heal.”

Her face went slack, and panic sliced through him. He shook her awake, but she struggled to rouse. His mind raced, trying to think of a way to capture her attention. What was that term her friend had called her?

“Estrella, drink for me.”

That’s the word, wasn’t it? He suddenly straightened and glanced at the open journal. Shit. Fuck. Didn’t he just read that word there too?

Nova groaned, albeit ungratefully, and parted her cracked lips. After a few gulps, she’d had enough and fell back into delirium. But not before she took his hand and begged him not to leave again.

“I won’t,” he replied, unease churning in his stomach.

“Good.” She sighed, drifting off. “Last time it broke my heart.”

* * *

Leaf poundedhis fist on the Prime’s door. The porcelain number eight rattled against the wood, but he cared little about waking the Lodge’s other guests. Owls were often nocturnal. They would survive.

“I know you’re in there, Prime!” he bellowed. “Open the door, or I’ll—”

The door opened to Aleksandra bathed in shadow. Her white hair and feathered wings appeared gray. The pale woolen robe looked ceremonial, but she didn’t mention it.

“D’arn Leaf.” Annoyance flashed in her eyes. “I was wondering when you’d turn up. I’m surprised it took you so long.”

“I need your help.” He also needed answers about Crimson, but Nova came first.

“What’s new?” She rolled her eyes in a very un-Prime-like way.

Leaf’s eyes narrowed, and he forced himself to reassess her. Outwardly, she appeared the same. Her ageless brown skin was smooth. White lashes surrounded her wide, dark eyes. And that haughty chin never failed to jut out. But something in those eyes stopped him. Usually, they were cold and empty. Tonight, they were full of sadness.

Questions later.
