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“I just,” he started, then paused again. “I felt like you were…”

She forced happiness into her voice. “Never fear,Hoja de los Guardianes.I will be out, dressed in the outfit you provided, and the very picture of health for our final evening together.”

His shadow beneath the door remained. Finally, Leaf’s soft grunt filtered through, and then he left.


While Nova was in the bathroom, Leaf sat on the edge of the bed, staring at his hands and mulling over Crimson’s journals.

Throughout the entire collection, one theme had never faded. Crimson was obsessed with finding his lost love. He searched for thousands of years. The earliest entries had been full of grief, guilt, and hope that the Well would lead him to her again if he continued to protect it. He talked about unfulfilled promises, which led Leaf to believe he had bargained with the Well for her return. His final days were full of despair, exhaustion, and fixation.

Puzzle pieces started fitting together. Pieces like the wordEstrellain Crimson’s journal, the similarities between Jace and his initials J.C., the Spanish terms, and the stories about him being manipulated by his parents and betrayed by a close friend. That friend had to be Nero.

There was no doubt in Leaf’s mind that Crimson was Nova’s lost love. And she was his.

But Leaf couldn’t be the same man—even if he looked similar and felt a connection with Nova that was beyond logical. Fae could not lie, which meant the Prime told the truth when she said Jackson Crimson never walked out of that lake again.

If Nova knew her lover grieved and searched for her for thousands of years, then ended his suffering because he thought he’d failed… her heart would break. To her, she saw him only months ago. That pain would cut deep.

Immortality wasn’t a gift. It was punishment without happiness. No wonder Aleksandra was so emotionless, and Maebh was mad. No wonder Crimson gave up.

The last thing Leaf wanted was to cause Nova more pain. And what point was there for him to get involved with her when so many who’d come before him had suffered because of love?

Spending time with her already muddied his motives. She slid beneath his skin like no one else. He’d put her safety and happiness ahead of duty. But the Well had not blessed their union. They were not mates. Falling for her now would complicate things, and he must not be distracted like Crimson was. The integrity of the Well counted on Leaf’s dedication to cleaning the taint.

He’d read enough journal entries to feel like he relived the man’s life. Yet he was no closer to understanding the whole picture, particularly what the Prime seemed to know. Part of him questioned the validity of such a prophecy, considering Clarke’s more recent visions were often inaccurate. But he wouldn’t be able to function if he didn’t see this through. So the goal had to remain the same—continue their ruse and convince the Prime to tell him everything. Then he could work out what to do next.

The bathroom door opened. His gaze snapped up, and his breath caught. Nova wore the red dress he’d purchased from the market yesterday… and it fit her better than expected. A little too well.

“I’m ready,” she said quietly.

Forcing himself to breathe, he slowly stood and gazed at her—taking in every detail, like water to a parched man. The long-sleeved red knit dress hugged her upper body and hips, but a high split up to her thigh gave her room to move. The low, V-shaped neckline gave him a delectable sample of plump cleavage, and with her lustrous waves tousled into a high knot, her graceful neck was on full display.

“Turn,” he murmured. “Show me everything.”

Nova’s slow pirouette gave him sweaty palms. Her thigh flashed through a split as she pivoted. Lust speared through him when more bare skin was revealed. The back of the dress was even lower cut than the front to accommodate wings. The feminine line of her spine drew his eye downward to the shapely curve of her bottom. The red knit clung to her cheeks like a loving embrace. He wanted to be that fabric—to be the one embracing her. Heat unfurled in his body, pumping his heart faster and engraving his veins with need. When she completed her pirouette, his gaze lifted to the polished wooden hoop earrings he’d bought with the dress.

After catching her touching her ears in a melancholy way during their journey, he’d guessed that she missed her old ear adornments.

“You look…” His voice sounded far too husky. “I’m speechless.”

The sadness in her eyes melted. “Not so bad when the dirt is gone, huh?”

His lips parted, and he closed them again. “I’m never going to live that down, am I?”

Her red lips curved, and she shook her head. Then she touched her fingers to her mouth and pushed them down and out toward him, signing her gratitude.

“It is a beautiful dress,” she said, “and exactly what a mate would buy his female. I’m sure it will go a long way in convincing the Prime of our ruse. I hope you get your answers tonight.”

The Prime’s name broke the spell and reminded Leaf of everything he’d been thinking of while she was in the bathroom. He glanced at a closed journal by the bed and felt sick. He hated not knowing secrets about him. Why would Nova be any different? Maybe he should tell her.

After tonight. Giving bad news before an event would make her miserable. She should enjoy herself one last night.

Leaf exhaled, draped a new cape over her shoulders, and tied the ribbon at the front. He might have lingered longer than necessary to graze her neck with his fingers. It was like they had a mind of their own, and if he had any less self-control, they might not have made it out of that room at all. Her sweet floral perfume curled through his body, testing that theory.

He stepped back before his arousal became obvious.

Nova touched the hoop earrings. “And you bought these?”
