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“Cloud too?”

Haze hesitated, then said, “I didn’t see him. That doesn’t mean he’s not there.”

“He’s up to something.” Leaf’s brows lowered. “Wait. You said the crows are ready. As in, they’re going over anyway?”

Haze’s big shoulders bunched in a shrug. He looked exasperated.

“Tell Shade to manage them,” Leaf suggested. “If he can’t keep them in line, then—fuck it. Let them kill themselves.”


“Who’s keeping an eye on the north? Assuming the poison forest will keep Maebh out is foolish.”

“I’ll send someone.”

“Good.” Leaf picked up one of Trix’s communicators from the ground and handed it to Haze. “Take that to Forrest and tell him Aeron has one. Then… find Jasper’s little shit of a kid and tell him to come here. Give this second set to his father. With any luck, I can communicate with them and keep this portal open a little longer.”

“Aspen’s a kid,” Haze grumbled. “Leave him out of this.”

“He’s old enough to sneak in here looking for your daughter,” Leaf pointed out. “And he’s older than half the Guardians were when they got initiated.”

A tension-filled silence extended.

“Maebh’s been calling for you,” Haze said, eyes stark as he looked at the communicator.

“Me?” Leaf tensed.

Haze paused, glanced at Nova, then said, “The other you.”

“For Crimson’s sake,” Leaf cursed, then caught himself in the awkward reference. He said to Haze, “Go. I’ll remain here as long as I can. Knowing Maebh, she won’t attack immediately if I don’t come out. She’ll pick at our flanks enough to annoy us. It will give us time to get more soldiers in. When it looks like she’s about to blow, get a message to me and I’ll come.”

“You could leave Nova with Shade or—”

“She goes where I go,” Leaf growled.

Haze’s deep voice lowered. “She’s valuable to more than one person, Leaf.”

“D’arnLeaf,” he corrected. “I’m your team leader. If you want to stay in the loop, send your daughter here. Considering she and Aspen are inseparable, she can be your blood link. If I can communicate with you and Jasper, we can coordinate our efforts.”

Haze’s fangs bared in a snarl. Nova wasn’t sure how Leaf remained untouched by the menacing giant.

“My daughter is too young. She’s staying with Peaches, out of sight in the house.”

“She’s the same age as Aspen.”

As if his name was a spell conjuring him, the prince emerged from the shadows. His eyes were wide and bright with excitement. He immediately went to Haze without fear. “Jasmine wants to help!”

Dismayed, Haze’s gaze darted about. “Jaz! Get your pup-ass out here.”

Jasmine stepped out of the shadows with a guilty look, twisting her long braid in her fingers. Haze’s dark-haired daughter was as tall as Aspen. At this pubescent age, her delicate features and tall size clashed awkwardly, but Nova imagined when she finished growing, she’d be a force to reckon with—both in beauty and strength.

Haze exhaled impatiently through his nose. He opened his mouth to speak, but his daughter beat him to it.

“Don’t worry,” she said. “Mom knows where I am. We promise to get to the basement if anything goes wrong. If Leaf leaves, we’ll stay here.” Haze’s brows snapped together. He tried to speak again, but Jasmine grinned and wrapped her arm around Aspen’s shoulder. “And we’ll stick together.”

Haze’s jaw clicked shut. He gave Nova a pleading look. “Say something.”

She shrugged. “In my experience, the more you try to stop kids, the more they do it behind your back.”

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