Page 141 of In The Shadows

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I saunter over to him, my dress fluttering around me. His eyes get snagged on my thigh, peeking through the slit with each step. I smile up as I stop in front of him. “You look very handsome, Theo.”

He takes a step, closing the distance. I lean my head back to keep my eyes locked with his. “There are not enough words in this realm to describe how breathtaking you look tonight.” His voice is low as he leans closer.

My heart nearly leaps from my chest.

He grabs me by the back of my neck and pulls me in for a heated kiss. I dig my fingers into his chest as our tongues mingle. His cedar scent consumes my senses. I’m drowning in him, and I can’t get enough.

He releases my lips, both of us breathing heavily. His hands roam over my body as he leans back for a better view.


Taking my hand, he twirls me around, causing my skirt to float in the air.

“I like what you did with your hair.” He brings me to a stop, facing him.

I run my hand softly over my locks.

“Thank you. Nyx did it. I can only do simple braids, but he’s mastered them over the years.”

Theo’s eyebrows go up with this new information about Nyx.

“Maybe he could show me sometime. It might come in handy,” he says.

I look up at him, imagining the scene. There would be lots of yelling and pushing if that ever happened. I laugh at the thought.

“Wow,” Hiram’s scruffy voice sounds from behind us.

I smile at my captain as he drops into an exaggerated bow, and we walk toward him.

“My queen, you look absolutely radiant tonight. I’ve ... I’ve never seen you like this. It’s a good look for you.”

“Thank you, Hiram. You’re too sweet.”

He gives me a warm smile as he backs out of the doorway to let us through, motioning for us to lead the way.

Theo offers me his arm, and I look up at him, taking it. I feel the need to pinch myself to ensure all this is real. Even in my dreams, I never imagined I would be here with Theo staring down at me with heat simmering in his eyes. The gods have never been kind to me, and I fear what the cost will be at the end. Right now, though, I want to focus only on him and the way he looks at me as if he’s all mine.

We stride down the hall with Hiram behind, heading to dinner. The atmosphere during autumnus is cheerful. Everyone is wearing their finest clothes, ready for an evening of celebration. We step through the doors of the dining hall to a wondrous sight.

I have always avoided celebrations of this magnitude. Their energy, while exhilarating, can be overwhelming, causing my shadows to become agitated under my skin. But tonight, they seem to dance to the sounds of my people.

Theo escorts me to our table and pulls out my seat. As soon as we are situated, Pyke brings out our plates, setting them down before us. Then he drops beside me, and I reach for him, fearing he has fallen. His gentle hands take mine, placing a soft kiss on them.

“We’re truly not worthy of your beauty and grace, my queen.” I smile down at him as a man to my left cheers, “Hear, hear!”

I raise my gaze to look at him, toasting to me.

“To the queen!” a woman to my right cheers, and I draw my gaze to her as mugs around the hall rise. The love of my people flowing all around makes my heart nearly burst with pride. I watch as they all bow from their seats. These people have welcomed and trusted me with their lives long before I became their queen.

While Oren ruled with fear, I have ruled with dignity and respect. These are my people, and I’ll do anything to keep them safe. As they all raise their heads, I place my hand over my heart, bowing my head to them in mutual honor.

I help Pyke rise from the ground, placing a kiss to his cheek before he strides back to the kitchen, and the hall resumes its flurry of activity.

Turning back in my seat, I see Theo watching me, his lips parted and eyes soft. He closes his eyes and bows his head. My heart flutters at his gesture, and I do my best to keep my breathing even. Not wanting to delay our trip to the village any longer, I dig into my plate, savoring the rich flavors fusing on my tongue. Dinner conversation consists of shared stories and laughing at Theo’s terrible jokes.

True to his word, Nyx sits with Hiram, which causes me conflicting emotions. I’m so used to him being with me, but it’s nice to have time alone with Theo, allowing us some form of normalcy. Even if I know Nyx is watching me from his seat.

For dessert, Pyke brings us something he calls baked apples. It looks like a ball of flaky pastry covered in a caramel drizzle. Sweet vanilla and cinnamon drift with the steam as it rises from the dish.
